Life expectancy at retirement age, USA and Russia, males and females, 1959—2023, years [OC]

    by Populationdemography


    1. Populationdemography on

      Life expectancy at retirement age, USA and Russia, males and females, 1959—2023, years. USA up to 2022, Russia up to 2023

      Source link: HumanMortalityDatabase


      Made with Ms Excel (calculations and charts) instruments

    2. What do these numbers even mean…? What is the retirement age in these countries? Feels like you’re not only comparing apples and oranges but not telling us which is which.

    3. What is the retirement age for Russia and America, OP? why not use, you know, actual age?

    4. Just to be clear, “retirement age” in the United States is 66 for both sexes, where in Russia it’s 63 for men and 58 for women.

      According to OECD the life expectancy at 65 in the United States is 17 for men and 19.7 for women. For comparison’s sake, Germany is 17.8 and 21.1 respectively, Canada is on 19.5 and 22.3. Pointedly, there is no data available for Russia.

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