Fox’s first time airing something original

    by CloudAllison


    1. I_Only_Follow_Idiots on

      What I would imagine would happen is that Conservatives will say that he answered all of the questions gracefully and presidentially, just like how Liberals are saying Harris handled her interview.

      This is due to the fact that Conservatives have become a Trump-loving cult while Liberals have become a Trump-hating cult.

    2. No one ever asks him tough questions, nor do they push back when he lies or ask a follow up question when he rambles or whatever. He just gets a pass on everything with the media. It’s disgusting.

    3. I mean, we don’t need to predict ‘what would have happened’ he did the Bloomberg interview which went as expected… badly.

      Adam Smith was arguing against the fundamentals of Trump’s economic policy in the 1700s. Yet somehow he thinks he’s stumbled across the cheat code to economics.

      The thing is with Trump though is that he offers simple answers for simple people. If your supporters aren’t smart enough to realise you’re lying, then all you have to do is avoid admitting to lying.

    4. Available-Elevator69 on

      They don’t ask Trump Hard questions because lets face it he doesn’t know anything or can’t remember anything. He’s a washed up Bully and needs to go play Golf for the rest of his life.

    5. She gave good, straight forward answers. She didn’t come unhinged like trump who would start meandering, ranting off topic and end with “it’s the immigrants fault” and never answering the question.

    6. ILoveToVoidAWarranty on

      And yet, this remains a neck and neck race. How? I’m becoming more convinced that a significant portion of the electorate simply wants to watch a train wreck.

    7. Flimsy_Breakfast_353 on

      The whiney snowflakes of the Trump campaign would cry that Fact Checking is biased and unfair!

    8. …and interrupted by impolitely trying to talk over her as she was trying to answer the questions.

    9. What would have happened if Bret Baier would have interrupted Trump and constantly held his hand up to try to stop him talking?

    10. What would happen is trump would spend the entire allotted time yelling at the interviewer, calling them “sick” and “evil” and saying how unfair the interview was because they asked him to answer a question.

    11. KlatuuBarradaNicto on

      Trump would have gotten mad, accused them of being biased, and ended the interview. That’s his MO.

    12. Give it a few minutes, conservatives will claim Kamala’s interview was edited to make her look good.

    13. There is no doubt Trump would have walked or simply disassociated and stopped answering questions.

    14. This I’ve got to see!
      I’m guessing you’re wrong or being sarcastic but I’ll view as much as I can stand.

    15. We were definitely watching a different interview. I saw a woman with no clear answers, just talking on circles. You must have watched the sound bites her campaign released to the press. If you watched the whole thing, you would have a different opinion other than being a minion for a bimbo.

    16. Virtual_Sky9225 on

      Doesn’t matter what questions he is asked, he would just go on tangents about immigration and say a lot of things that don’t make sense to anyone with an elementary education.

    17. He’d crumble and bite back at the first question where they didnt take his first bullshit answer

    18. The fucking guy just made his town hall listen to music for 45 minutes straight instead of asking questions. Anyone who is under the misconception that Donald Trump can answer a policy question is the clear danger to American society.

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