Stalin’s PR team deserves an award for this level of trickery”

    by brendaiaxenodochial


    1. FrmrPresJamesTaylor on

      Yes, it’s wild how two leaders from the same war who are definitely known primarily for one act (invading Poland) are perceived so differently now

    2. The Germans already started acting on their plan to systematically and efficiently exterminate over 100 million people. It‘s hard to top that even if you‘re Stalin.

    3. ChemsAndCutthroats on

      During WW2 Russia was just as expansionistic minded as Germany. They also had ongoing wars with Finland, the Stalinist regime was also very antisemitic, oppressed their ethnic minorities, and killed many of it’s own people.

      They were considered “the good guys” though because they kept a good portion of the German military busy and absorbed casualties that otherwise the Western Allies would of had to. The Allies would have had a much more difficult time fighting Germany if Russia remained neutral.

    4. Frequent-Lettuce4159 on

      What kind of grown person looks at history in terms of ‘good guys’ and ‘bad guys’?

    5. PotentialSalty730 on

      That hole goes much deeper. Poland also invaded Czechoslovakia together with Germany.

    6. RudyGiulianisKleenex on

      When you also forcefully annex the Baltics and Bessarabia and attack Finland but somehow are not a villain

    7. *Not* at the same time, thank you very much. He very generously waited like two weeks to confirm that Westerners don’t care about Poland and only attacked then. Actually made Hitler mad and had to revise Ribbentrop-Molotov to give more to the Germans.

    8. Who really thinks they were good guys? At the very best, most generous description, they were useful collaborators once their pact with Germany was broken.

    9. I may be just Polish but Stalin was never a good guy and good is subjective thing but i can say one thing ww2 was clearly fought against bad guys

    10. The Soviets were the main heroes but because of Hitler’s choices and not anything they wanted to do. It was a matter of circumstance, and it was hardly Stalin that saved them. His dogmatic thinking led to a severe lack of preparedness, overall military incompetence, and paranoia towards everyone but the Nazis in 1941, which in turn were drivers of the early defeats. Though he does deserve credit for his propaganda and the motivation he provided the Soviet people.

    11. That’s because a lot of academics in the West, especially the US, adored Stalin and Lenin before him. Many also liked Hitler. So did a lot of businessmen, economists, and politicians, etc. However, once the US entered the war, the tried to cover up any good things they said and Hitler and went all in for Stalin.

      Perhaps that is partly how all of that got started and carried on. For a long time Russia’s terrible economic planning and democides were covered up by Western academia, etc., save for the military purges, while Hitler’s atrocities were shouted from the rooftops.

    12. We get it dude, only America has ever been the good guy in all of history.

      (Just don’t ask what it’s been up to for basically it’s entire existence)

    13. I’ve always knew, that on every war there are no good or bad guys. Just one side of the conflict and the other side of the conflict.

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