What a steady diet of right-wing hate and misinformation gets you

    by rhino910


    1. Google the phrase “shot a census taker”. Then look where the bulk of those incidents took place.

      This isn’t new, surprising or revelatory.

    2. The scary thing here is that I can’t tell if this is mocking MAGA mentality, or if it is some bizarre, right-wing “flex”

      Those MAGA cultists have become so weird that I can’t discern the difference between their perception of reality as opposed to clear satire.

    3. quietIntensity on

      Having lived in the area where this happened for a while in the 90s, and just south of there for several years more recently, my level of surprise is zero. Lots of people there are that fucking crazy and dumb.

      We lived in Bryson City for a while in the late 90s. We stayed in the apartments that used to be the old Catholic Rectory, across the street from the sawmill. It had a steam whistle that went off every morning around 7a, meant to wake the workers around town up so they would make it to work on time. Being across the street from it, it was super loud in our apartments. Everyone on our street hated that thing, but it had been there for 50+ years and people just sort of accepted that it would always be there.

      I was shooting the shit with one of our neighbors who was a standard local man in his 20s, and the topic of the whistle came up. I off-handedly mentioned that I had figured out that if some one went up on the little mountain peak across the river, they could line up a rifle shot that would punch through the steam whistle tube at it’s base, with a large hill across the street behind the target as a safe backstop. It would just take the right person with the right rifle and the right skills, but if they could do it, it would reduce the pressure at the whistle and make it a lot less loud.

      Three days later, I woke up at 9am, refreshed and undisturbed. I had to get up early the day after that, so I was awake already when it was whistle time. The whistle went off at the same time it always did, but it was markedly half hearted and not very loud. Those people don’t fuck around when it comes to shooting things.

    4. HaroldsWristwatch3 on

      At some point, after they fuck up enough shit in the country, people will grow to hate these terrorists.

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