Well one is about to be President..

    by Mr__O__


    1. Wait, is this the same “business man” whose company is going under?

      The same guy who said he still has a bullet in his arm from combat in Afghanistan – but also said he accidentally shot himself hiking?

      The fella who claimed he was “medically separated from active duty due to wounds received in Afghanistan” but in his memoir explained that he got decompression sickness on a sub and could therefore no longer serve?

      The same dude who constantly refers to himself as a “hero” – that guy is a big fan of Project 2025?

      Go figure.

    2. well i can sort of get where he’s coming from, it clearly didn’t do much for him after all

    3. This guy is running in my state. Everybody who actually got an education despises him but if you go 20 miles outside of any civilized area into the meth-lands of Montana all you see is a sea of his campaign signs stretching from horizon to horizon.

      He’s probably gonna win. 😑

    4. How such immense of bigotry and racism continue existing in the developed world continues to baffle me. That is such a disgusting thing to say.

    5. Lifelong montanan here: I cannot fucking stand that this shit stain has a chance of being our senator for the simple fact that he has an (R) next to his name

    6. MalevolentNight on

      I’m sorry say what now? The fact that he said this with all that confidence is beyond mind boggling.

    7. He’d rather watch a woman die from an unviable pregnancy than let Doctors save her life.
      Fuck Sheehy. Vote for Tester

    8. I misread this and thought the department of education was making little black girls, I was very confused

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