Some knee juice the doctor just sucked out of my knee

    by thearroyotoad


    1. A couple questions, why is this in your knee? Do you feel a sense of relief after it’s removal? How does it smell?

    2. buttplugpeddler on

      I have some sweet pics of the drain tube coming out of my leg a couple weeks ago if you guys are bored.

    3. I once was getting my knee checked out in a hospital and was sitting in a bed. Like all these places I was surrounded by curtains but there was a small gap between myself and the guy next to me. It could see his knee which looked swollen a bit but otherwise just like a knee. The doctor then sat down next to the knee, warned the patient and jammed a needle into the side of it. Yellow puss drained out of a tube and I almost passed out.

    4. I work as an ASL interpreter, specializing in medical assignments, and I’ve seen lots of crazy stuff. In this particular case, I’ve witnessed the same scenario, only it was two and a half syringes worth of fluid. I wish I can recall the exact cc’s! All I can I say is that the patient came in with a right leg limping and straight-legged into the room and he left walking out like he’s ready to do a marathon. The look of relief on his face was so obvious.

    5. illuminati_agent on

      I’ve seen this done!!

      Former cop turned desk jocky IT guy.

      Had to take over watching a guy who had ran from the previous shift for a felony I don’t remember. He jumped over a retaining wall thinking there was ground behind it. Spoiler, it was a rocky embankment leading down to the train tracks.

      Dude’s knee was HUGE. This battle hardened ER doc came beboppin’ in with that needle, an IM needle.

      “OK we’re going to drain that knee now”

      They had to hold him down.

      She’s working this needle in and out getting the fluid. It was the same color. Had little chuncks of….stuff….in it. Disgusting.

      After they were done I felt really bad for the guy.

      “Fuck man, I’ll never run again”

      Offered to grab him something from the cafeteria but he declined.

    6. After retearing my ACL they drained about 3 of these. The first one when they removed it from the knee it spurted up and hit the ceiling.

      I thought it was joever

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