At this point, are they not EMBARRASSED ?

    by imjustheretodomyjob


    1. “Generational” wealth, at that. Supporting your child somehow prevents you from building wealth to pass on to your child. Some people are too stupid to bother with

    2. Cautious-Neat-7901 on

      My brother pays overs 300 a month yes that is preventing him from moving forward in a meaningful way. I concede all other points

    3. Da_real_toofoul4yall on

      As a father who had sole custody that’s crazy work to think of men complaining about such a small amount , 100 dollars a week Is just 5,200 a year and every parent knows that’s like trying to put out a house fire with a water gun

    4. I’m not saying that the whole paternity thing is a good idea, but who the hell is paying 75 bucks a month in child support?

    5. MikeJones-8004 on

      I don’t disagree with the overall point, but uhh, child support oftentimes cost a shit ton more than $75 a month.

    6. BlackDynamite58990 on

      Who’s actually saying this??? This some divisive nonsense to have us going back and forth about something that most of us aren’t even dealing with. Let’s not fall for this


    7. I aint gonna lie Harris coming out in support of cryptocurrency straight up might make me a non voter. I hate that shit.

    8. Swimming_Tree2660 on

      They managed to get them pregnant 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️

    9. Cautious-Neat-7901 on

      The world makes it seem as if men are suppose to be superhuman. This election cycle is the first in which men as a voting bloc had policies aimed specifically to them.

    10. Everyone keeps talking about how the man should pay the support cause it’s his kid, it’s the mom’s kid too, what is she doing? It’s a 2 way street, I pay +1600/month, I can’t afford groceries for myself and then somehow I’m supposed to get them every other weekend and get groceries. I make decent money from work too, but cost of living takes everything I have after child support. Don’t downplay how this can affect someone, kids or not, drop 1600/month from your pay and see how it affects your future. Yes they are the investment, but to have your heart torn apart, your kids taken from you and then your money taken too, it’s hard to get anywhere when you’re spinning your wheels. ✌🏻

    11. SweetDickWillee on

      Honestly, you should be embarrassed posting this.

      Child support is 17% of your salary in my state. By your numbers that means the bd makes around 450 dollars a month. Yall just make up numbers to hate on men.

      This is not black people on here. It’s black teenage women with a very specific point of view.

    12. America needs to push back against the conservatives once and for all. Subsidize child care further or nationalize which was on the docket before bitch ass Ronald Reagan shot it down. Give proper sex education besides abstinence. And we need to start talking to young men because so many people are complaining about child support as the ultimate burden. And maybe the system could be more equitable idk but too many of y’all are crying just because there are consequences to your actions or you feel above being financially involved in your child’s life. A court shouldn’t have to get involved if you navigated shit better.

      My momma never took my Dad to court and guess what? He was a bitch ass nigga, he wanted to be involved physically, emotionally and financially on his own terms. Thank God the community stepped in to help my mom because he barely could bother to focus on providing.

    13. Street-smarter on

      Child support was made to break up black families along with welfare y’all be so pro black and anti government but don’t know that it’s good for deadbeats and to care for a child but it gives less incentive to stay and build a family

    14. Can’t imagine being such a bum ass piece of shit that you’d whine about paying for your own kids, and ask the government for ANOTHER MAN’S money to pay for them. How is that not embarrassing as hell? Turn in your nuts.

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