I think you may have been abducted by aliens who conducted gene editing experiments while you were unconscious and then placed you snuggly back in your bed while you were none the wiser. I don’t see any other explanations.
bigfishflyhigh on
You’re Benjamin Buttoning
urbrickles on
But if you turn it upside down, then it’s going from black to white.
eskaelx on
Looks like my german shepherd’s hair
Acceptable_Fish_6806 on
Show off!! 😆
Lord--Kitchener on
Not the only one, I’ve also had a few like that, haven’t looked in the mirror properly recently but I might still have some
foxyfoo on
A beard hair you say 🤨
rand0fand0 on
I get these in my beard too. Anyone know why?
jelloslug on
I have several like that also.
Patient-Macaron-8733 on
Nope, whitenin to the Root.
Barbarian_24 on
Ahh yes, you have Amy Winehouse Syndrome.
Chuck_Cali on
I’m no geologist, but could this be stress related?
PufffPufffGive on
We only said goodbye with words.
I died a hundred times
CondescendingShitbag on
Common problem. You’re just running out of toner.
STA_Alexfree on
Most of my beard hair is starting to do this. White at the tips but black at the roots
Brambletail on
I have this happen from time to time. They get stripey.
KingOfThe_Jelly_Fish on
My beard has done this also, it looks funky when I grow it really long.
Pure-Analysis-8551 on
my beard hairs are falling out and i say grow grow grow
sakatan on
Middle age setting in. ‘Not yet’ whispers your newly bought coupe from the driveway.
NotanAlt23 on
Ive had several hairs like this.
Its really funny cause theres a harvard study saying its impossible and Im over here like “huh”.
Chester-Bravo on
I grew a beard after the military. It was about 1/3 grey. After a year or two that dropped to less than 1/4 grey. I think it was the reduced stress.
goozy1 on
Inkjet toner was clogged
Complete_Tadpole6620 on
Are you holding it the right way round? 🙄
Elscorcho69 on
Keep it. Thats you becoming old. The dark part is your last drop of youth. Enjoy.
Top-Camera9387 on
When you have trichotillomania and can’t stop pulling out your beard hairs, you find a lot of colors. And split ends.
Grebnaws on
This is my whole life. I used to have a solid red beard but now it’s white, black, blonde, brown and all the hairs will start and stop different colors. I have no explanation except getting older and the stress of living. The texture of the hair has changed quite a bit as well.
We found Soul Man 2024.
I think you may have been abducted by aliens who conducted gene editing experiments while you were unconscious and then placed you snuggly back in your bed while you were none the wiser. I don’t see any other explanations.
You’re Benjamin Buttoning
But if you turn it upside down, then it’s going from black to white.
Looks like my german shepherd’s hair
Show off!! 😆
Not the only one, I’ve also had a few like that, haven’t looked in the mirror properly recently but I might still have some
A beard hair you say 🤨
I get these in my beard too. Anyone know why?
I have several like that also.
Nope, whitenin to the Root.
Ahh yes, you have Amy Winehouse Syndrome.
I’m no geologist, but could this be stress related?
We only said goodbye with words.
I died a hundred times
Common problem. You’re just running out of toner.
Most of my beard hair is starting to do this. White at the tips but black at the roots
I have this happen from time to time. They get stripey.
My beard has done this also, it looks funky when I grow it really long.
my beard hairs are falling out and i say grow grow grow
Middle age setting in. ‘Not yet’ whispers your newly bought coupe from the driveway.
Ive had several hairs like this.
Its really funny cause theres a harvard study saying its impossible and Im over here like “huh”.
I grew a beard after the military. It was about 1/3 grey. After a year or two that dropped to less than 1/4 grey. I think it was the reduced stress.
Inkjet toner was clogged
Are you holding it the right way round? 🙄
Keep it. Thats you becoming old. The dark part is your last drop of youth. Enjoy.
When you have trichotillomania and can’t stop pulling out your beard hairs, you find a lot of colors. And split ends.
This is my whole life. I used to have a solid red beard but now it’s white, black, blonde, brown and all the hairs will start and stop different colors. I have no explanation except getting older and the stress of living. The texture of the hair has changed quite a bit as well.
I wish mine would get color back. The gray ones are unwieldy and do their own thing 💩
I’ll have this happen occasionally I’m convinced it’s bc of stress
Yeah a month ago when you washed your face/beard with bleach? It does that.