De Gaulle hated his “sons” (and got humbled)

    by FrenchieB014


    1. The government of Algiers (free France in some way) established the *Forces Française de l’intérieure* (French forces of the interior), which were commanded by the war hero General Koenig. With between 200,000 and 300,000 men and women (including reserves), they were a combination of.. well, any organized resistance force with men and weapons, which included the communist *Franc tireur et partisans*, the gaullist *Armée secrète*, and the *Organisation de résistance de l’Armée*, which were the 3 main factions.

      De Gaulle, however, didn’t particularly value those soldiers because they were largely *”habituated with guerrilla warfare*” and lacked any sort of military discipline. He was unimpressed with by them when he visited Toulouse, which had been freed by partisans, it was his “first time meeting F.F.I”

      All of the FFI were aligned and had recently left the Maquis when he met them (unshaved, unwash etc..) .

      “*When did you join the resistance*?” he questioned them, witheout really listening to the anwser…

      He eventually encountered Colonel Noireau, who was one of the “resistant of the first hour” and actively participated in the riskiest operation despite having no military experience and led this troop into action.

      Noireau gave DE Gaulle a salute. The response from DE Gaulle was, “*rectified the position*.” Noireau made the correction. De Gaulle responded violently, clenching his fist and grining his teeth, *”rectified the position.”*

      He would hopefully be humbled by Pierre Bertraux. Who was member of the resistance and appointed prefect of Toulouse. He asked De Gaulle to meet with him in the office, he told him that he could let the FFI enter the room which De Gaulle replied with a firm “No!”.. Bertraux denied the order, stood up and let the men enter the room and alligned them in front of De Gaulle, he stood up, apologized and made a speech

      and ended his speech with:

      *”Now you can go home to your family, and you could tell the rest of your men that I like them”*

    2. Specialist_Leg_650 on

      Most of the French resistance joined after D-Day not because they were too young to join after the fall of France, but because they didn’t believe in the cause. After D-Day the writing was on the wall so it became safe to join, and helped expunge the shame of occupation. Those that did join spent more time fighting each other and stealing from their countrymen than they did fighting the Nazis.

      The resistance’s popularity and effectiveness has been inflated hugely post-war to help paint over the shame of what most of the French did during occupation – go along with it, or collaborate.

    3. De Gaulle trying his best to not be a horrible human being towards other people (impossible)

    4. De Gaulle: * *pulls out his classic french snobbery* *

      Lyndon Johnson: * *pulls out le Johnson* *

      Gods, the dick measuring contests used to be something back then…

    5. We all want to both shake De Gaulle’s hand and throw a shoe at him after reading about his life

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