So everything BUT be a father for your child?

    by DocJenkins


    1. ThisNameDoesntCount on

      This shouldn’t be a black man thing but paternity testing at birth isn’t a dumb idea.

    2. I think in some cases, this *might*… be helpful, at least if you know or believe that you’ll be fighting for custody of your child at some point. However, who is footing the bill for this? Will this result in the recreation or reimagining of the nuclear family? Or… could it result in physical harm? Also, equally importantly, are these tests done by third parties, or is the expectation for the same labs that handle r*pe kits and things of that nature to delve into the world of paternity? How do you implement something like this without it looking like promiscuity is ethnic in nature

    3. I don’t hate the idea of paternity testing what I hate is that the people suggesting it makes it seem like black women are unfaithful.

    4. I was with my ex for 3 years. He was my 1st everything. We had 2 kids by the time the relationship ended (shortly after the pandemic). Yall why tf did he try to claim the second kid wasn’t his when we stood up in front of the judge in child support court. He didn’t sign the birth certificate at the time because it was Covid and he wasn’t at the hospital when it was time to sign. 

      Keep in mind I didn’t even want the second kid (I was planning on leaving after he wasn’t shit for the first one but I found out I was pregnant and then the world shut down). I wanted to go to planned parenthood and when I said that 18 months prior he said he didn’t believe in abortions. (I was young and didn’t know that I could’ve still had an abortion without the father’s consent.) 

      💀💀💀 I was played yall lmao 

    5. I remember making this comment a few weeks ago.
      It should be welcomed but not a mandate. As I said previously the same way that you can have uncomfortable conversations about post partum depression with the mother, that conversation can be had with the potential father of the child. Just a simple you are entitled to obtain paternity testing before you place your name on the birth certificate. It will cost $XYZ. Please see nurse ABC in room Z. Those that don’t do it, its up to them.

    6. SmartyMcnugget on

      If paternity tests are required, then genetic tests to see if kids are possibly higher risk for genetic diseases need to be required as well so certain disease or circumstances aren’t passed down without lack of knowledge. 

    7. iMissTheOldInternet on

      Is this like Groupon or something? These men form official organizations to tell on themselves all at once to get a good deal on public therapy?

    8. Nothing is stopping people from getting a paternity test at birth now. If you suspect you are not the father, then you can demand one. If the mother says no, then the father can either stay or leave. If they leave and the mother starts expecting child support, then a paternity test can happen at the direction of the court. Federally mandating it for everyone is stupid and wasteful, there are plenty of healthy monogamous relationships out there that result in children; so why waste those people’s time with such a misogynistic policy.

    9. >So everything BUT be a father for your child?

      Am I missing something?…..Automatic paternity testing will put more pressure on men to step up for their children by eliminating their paternal doubt whilst also eliminating those dudes who raise another mans’ kid for 15 years because they didn’t know better.

      Why is this a bad idea again?

      EDIT: This should be universally implemented across all races not just black couples

    10. Frognosticator on

      Mandatory paternity testing…

      So who owns the genetic data after it’s been recorded? Does the government automatically get access to everyone’s genetic information at birth?

      I can see that going really badly…

      Let’s get genetic privacy laws in place first. For the love of God, let’s at least ban companies from owning people’s genetic information *please.*

    11. Who’s supposed to pay for these DNA tests that y’all want because you don’t trust the women that you went in raw?

    12. CutinCheeshurgers on

      I’m cool with paternity testing for the sake of transparency, but claiming it’s a specifically black problem is CRAZY racist

    13. Paternity fraud isn’t 30% at all. I have no idea where that even comes from. Paternity is established in almost all cases brought before a judge and have a very small margin of error.

      Why the lie?

      Subjective Opinion: It occurs to me that this is not only misogynistic in nature but specifically asking for this as a black man is embarrassing. It only feeds stereotypes of black women that are harmful and untrue.

    14. JailTrumpTheCrook on

      Will be used to deny rights to non biological father.

      Also the idea of giving the government my DNA is intolerable to me.

      More importantly, the fact that some are too cowardly to tell their partners what they think of them is NOT my problem nor the government’s.

      I have absolutely nothing against it if you distrust your lady and want to test your child, do it on your dime.

      I’m in favor of a providence state, not of a police state for your bedrooms.

    15. You can absolutely request a paternity test for your kid at present. There doesn’t need to be any federal mandate. If you suspect that your child is not yours you can request a paternity test through the courts.

    16. Dial-M-for-Mediocre on

      Do people really believe that there’s a 30% rate of paternity fraud? It’s a total men’s rights red herring. It feeds into their whole discourse about how feminism has made all women materialistic and promiscuous. And those numbers come from 30-year-old studies that have sample sizes of like 200 people who already self-selected because paternity was doubtful in their cases. Reviews have put the real number at more like 3.7%.

      Also, do we really want the government to have the DNA on file of everyone who’s ever had a child? Let alone the population that is historically most likely to be wrongfully convicted based on official misconduct?

    17. iH8MotherTeresa on

      We need maternity testing. Who’s to say these women are the maternal mothers of their children??

    18. This shit coming from an account with the handle Faithful Black Men Association has to be satire.

    19. Where do you see not being a father to their child? It’s literally saying making sure it’s your child

    20. It’s not embarrassing knowing a lot of men get trapped in situations where they find out it was never their children. Dna tests at birth should be a thing given how crazy shit is today

    21. My problem with this isn’t paternity – it’s the government having a DNA database of every baby born. No thank you.

    22. Paternity fraud is at 30 percent? That’s a ridiculously high number. I would like to see where that came from. Also, is this group suggesting that paternity fraud is a huge problem in the black community?

    23. PreOpTransCentaur on

      We have like 60,000 untested rape kits. Unless you want to be governmentally mandated to fucking **pay** for the DNA test, I’m gonna go ahead and say absolutely goddamn not. And don’t even get me started on willingly handing over your kid’s DNA to the government without their consent. You’re delusional if you think they’re just gonna destroy it.

      This is what they do to *victims’* DNA, you think your baby is gonna fare better?

    24. 1. Where does this 30% come from? Assuming most paternity test are conducted for people in “casual” relationships. That # is low.
      2. Growing up I didn’t have good black male representation and my association with black males is limited now. But I have casually witnessed good black men at work and from the spouses of friends and family. I refused to believe this represents most black men.

    25. Not embarrassing. Its guaranteeing myself and my children’s future. It should be the case for all children for married and unmarried people.

    26. This isn’t a bad idea, but it’s a bad look suggesting it as a policy to garner the support of black men.

      It’s not a bad idea because the system is apparently set up to lock you into paying child support even if the child isn’t yours. Once you start paying, you have to keep paying.

      That’s not fair to men who are already dealing with the humiliation and heartbreak of finding out their SO got impregnated by someone else.

    27. DNA testing should be a requirement before a name is signed on the birth certificate. Only cheaters and scandalous people will cry against it

    28. this isn’t about feelings, this is about getting factual data. Mandatory testing is all about taking the goofy back and forth out of it. People worried about being accused of cheating, if you got nothing to worry about then stop making the argument.

      As men other than DNA testing we have no way of ensuring we fathered a child. Your word about being faithful is not enough.

      Also, let me give some of yall a scenario. You have a husband who makes good money. Some random woman puts his name down as the father somewhere and the courts start taking child support out of YALL money before yall even found out if it’s his or if she was lying or if he even knew the woman. Don’t you think a mandatory paternity test would be useful and not just her word? This case actually happened in real life. A woman randomly picked a dudes name and put him on child support in Michigan I think, and they had already started taking child support out of his income and he had to fight it in court after everything was set in motion.

      I can’t see any legit argument against mandatory testing.

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