
    by redditanon111


    1. “Yeah, uh, we didn’t test all the finger prints at the crime scene, but let’s kill the guy anyway.”

      I dunno, I feel like if we’re gonna kill somebody for a crime, we better be damn sure it was them.  Maybe they were there isn’t much info in the OP, but leaving stones unturned at a crime scene doesn’t sound like the kind of airtight case the death penalty should be used for anyway. 

    2. chameleon_123_777 on

      Well, these fingerprints could in theory belong to someone else. Luckily they didn’t

    3. myrichiehaynes on

      This sounds like one of the christian pastor stories where you know they have no first-hand experience with it – but it probably happened to someone so there is a lesson? Maybe?

      Like this is just a stupid anecdote with no resolution – there is zero context nor lesson to be learned here. Why repeat it?

    4. Kobayashi_Maru186 on

      I guess he figured he would roll the dice. There’s got to be other people’s prints everywhere. If they weren’t his prints, that might have been enough for a new trial, at least.

    5. How considerate of him! This way no one gets left behind feeling guilty for a possible wrongful conviction

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