I will always be baffled by the fact that a whole group of people decided to settle the Arctic

    by edgewolf666-6


    1. Imagine living in quite literally the worst place on Earth which has nothing worth taking and the Anglos and Ruskies still decide to conquer you

      also jokes aside it will always be cool to me that when the Inuit moved to Greenland they probably found remains of Norse colonies from a century ago

    2. Utqiagvik, Alaska, formerly Barrow, just chilling in its annual 3-month-long stretch of never seeing the sun: “This is fine”

    3. I’m living in Germany and I always wondered what the Romans wanted here. Especially back then before heated cars and electrical lights.

      Why would anyone prefer the cold, damp, darkness of Germany over Rimini and Adriatic cost.

      Settling in the arctics? Nah.

    4. FrmrPresJamesTaylor on

      They weren’t even the first, there were people in the Arctic even before the Dorset culture that preceded the Inuit peoples..

    5. I don’t think it whould be too surprising. Before 11,000 years ago, i.e. before the end of the last ice age, this was how most of northern Europe was. We have been adapted to land like this for the last several tens of thousands of years. 

    6. PennStateFan221 on

      Imagine migrating for whatever god knows reason over the bearing strait and being pounded with ice and snow. At some point, you’re gonna just get damn tired of going. Once you find a place that you can settle that has enough calories, it might just be better than risking going further into the unknown white wasteland. But that could be complete bullshit idek.

    7. Wasn’t the theory that, when attempting to cross the Bering straight, some of the prehistoric settlers gave up halfway, thinking it would only be ice and snow from there on out and the inuit are the descendents of these settlers?

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