Working at the pyramid tonight

    by ILWF1


    1. auth0r_unkn0wn on

      I had a gf whose most common response was “I don’t get it” and it’s honestly part of why we eventually broke up. I got tired of always explaining rather than having conversations that it turned into me not making attempts anymore and we began to interact less and less.

    2. Garbage take.  If you can’t explain something understandably you don’t understand it well enough to be judging others. 

    3. Itsprobablysarcasm on

      “I’m so incredibly lonely!” –People these days

      “I have impossibly high standards for others, whilst expecting everyone else to handle me at my worst and I am unapologetic about it because I’m speaking my truth.” – Also people these days

    4. I think that most people feel this way. It’s tiring when you have to explain concepts/jokes/ideas you think are simple. However, the fact that someone blasts this idea on socials comes off as an unnecessary flex and makes me think she’s got a lot in common with the people she’s complaining about.

    5. Why is this controversial. Do y’all want to date someone who can’t even talk to you on your level? You want to get married and never have an adult conversation in your life?

      I’m not saying I’m a genius, but there are people a lot dumber and a lot smarter than everyone. I probably get along best with the people around where I am.

    6. why do people think the education = intelligence? I have a PhD and I can tell you that there’s a correlation there, but it’s fairly loose, the world is full of very smart people who didn’t get a lot of education for any one of a million reasons

    7. Education has nothing to do with comprehending or not being not to hold a decent conversation. I’ve had great conversations with people who haven’t graduated high school and terrible ones with “highly educated” individuals.

      I’m not sure what she means. Can someone clarify?

    8. I tend to disagree with hard rules like this in general, but I’m just glad I no longer have to date. Mfs come up with new shit everyday to further limit themselves from having a great relationship or finding love, ain’t y’all tired?

    9. Empty_Smoke_6249 on

      I went to NYU for grad school and met some of dumbest, most self involved buffoons there. Meanwhile, one of the smartest dude I’ve ever crushed on was a bartender with a high school diploma. His knowledge of food, and wine pairings, and service, and travel was unparalleled.

      You can be highly educated and basic, boring, and closed minded.

    10. The thing about education is that the higher you go, the more specialized it gets. I guarantee this woman is massively ignorant about things other people would consider simple. I know that because every human is. Her standard is just that she won’t tolerate people who aren’t familiar with subjects in her limited scope.

    11. Where are these “educated” people meeting all of these *awful uneducated* people? haha It is like when broke people complain about being around their fellow broke people unknowingly. hahaha

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