PSA: Stand Your Ground is alive and well (with this being the 2024 edition)

    by Designer_Price_392


    1. Designer_Price_392 on

      “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” remain elusive concepts for some of us in America in 2024. Meanwhile…

      Kamala released a [comprehensive plan for black America.]( It is more thoughtful that any other plan put forth by presidential candidate since 1789.

      # Trump had 9 years to come up with absolutely nothing for black America.

      And, more importantly…

      # The KKK has endorsed only 1 man for POTUS 3 times since its founding. Anyone who will still vote for him is NOT A DECENT HUMAN BEING.

    2. I’m just happy this young man made it out safely. I hope that the dude who pulled the gun gets his just desserts from the public.

    3. Doesn’t FL have laws against intimidation, or are black people legally considered to be fearless or some shit in FL? Because how is it legal to follow A MINOR, pull a gun on A MINOR, and then just go about your merry way?

    4. HereForTheComments57 on

      This has to be terrifying for POC. We see that they are treated unfairly and I don’t feel like we fully understand what they go through. This kid is walking in his neighborhood, near his home where he should feel safe and this sweaty white dude has the audacity to question him and follow him? If you completely ignore race, who is the one who appears to be out of place in the upscale neighborhood? Kid walking around minding his own business, or guy with man boobs and giant sweat mark on his shirt?

    5. I watched the full vid on TikTok and I was getting STRONG emmet till vibes one of them even says something along the lines of you were harassing my wife. It’s gross and I wanna say if that kid didn’t have his phone recording who knows what would’ve happened but honestly I think we all know

    6. White man here: Stephen who? lets make him famous. I’m glad they’re getting the Ravens fan right now, but damn this guy deserves the same treatment. This is fucking bullshit and the dude should be recognized and pointed out everywhere he goes.

      Where does he work? Where does he get his car serviced? What restaurants does he frequent? Who cuts his grass cause I know his pussy ass doesnt do it himself? lets fuckin educate the public so they can spot this asshole a mile away.

      Make Racists Afraid For The First Time. Show them we will take their livelihood legally and in public for everyone to see.

      <end rant>

      Dont forget to vote

    7. FistPunch_Vol_7 on

      Watching that video made my blood boil. Shouts out to dude for recording and keeping calm. Traveling for work currently, nothing like this happened but I’m currently staying at a nice hotel and the amount of times I’ve been looked and stared at like I don’t belong and questioned a bunch of times at this point is ridiculous.

    8. redditmodsRrussians on

      Christ, can we just unilaterally disarm already? We need an American version of the Haito Edicts where we just disarm everyone and bring society into a civilized future.

    9. Spiritual-Isopod-765 on

      If he hadn’t committed the offence of being Black while in public, this never would have happened in the first place. 

    10. average_texas_guy on

      Everyone please remember, not only white people are allowed to own guns. I try to explain to my Democrat friends the importance of being armed all the time.

      The fact this guy didn’t even catch a charge for brandishing is insane.

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