It’s not just women that Trump is coming for…

    by CoolCool6


    1. AngusMcTibbins on

      Unless you are an ultrawealthy white male billionaire, trump’s policies are going to hurt you. We should all be voting for our rights and our futures this election. Vote blue

    2. everythingbeeps on

      If you want to know how something like the taliban happens, you’re watching the GOP turning into their own version of it.

    3. What will the southern racists do without their ebony porn? No, seriously. Ebony porn is very popular in southern states.

    4. The guy who fucked porn stars isn’t going to ban porn. How stupid are the people that believe this nonsense. 

    5. murderedbyaname on

      That list is proof to me anyway that he is 100% in constant contact with the Heritage Foundation. Maybe he’ll dump them once he doesn’t need their votes but it’s scary af to think they have any influence in politics.

    6. This highlights what most people *don’t see* about what is going on. An autocrat, like Trump and a lot of the senior members/advisors of the GOP, want CONTROL. It’s just like the quote from Reverend Niemöller after WW2. For Niemöller, it was about how the Nazi’s went after people to expand their control. For us, it will be about the GOP.

      First, they came for the pro-choice women, and I did not speak out because I was not a pro-choice woman.

      Then they came for the immigrants, and I did not speak out because I was not an immigrant.

      Then they came for…

      Eventually, they come for *everyone that’s left*… and there is nobody left to defend YOUR rights because you don’t have rights anymore.

    7. ComfortableTackle292 on

      Men in the 1 percent don’t like porn because it’s one of the few ways women can rise out of poverty nowadays (you still have to be really lucky or diligent) while using their bodies how they want. Meanwhile men have historically used exploitation to get ahead.

    8. I think he also lost gen-x vote. You’d be surprised how much gen-x spends on videogames.

    9. OhNoItsLockett on

      The GOP way: Blame video games instead of guns. Thankfully this video is from 2019 and one of his many failed policies that I’m happy didn’t work out, and I’m not even a gamer.

    10. The man who fucks pornstars while his wife is giving birth wants to ban porn.

      Can I please get off this ride now?

    11. Add no transporting pregnant women across state lines and prosecuted if caught doing so.

      Any ‘registered’ pregnant woman in a red state will have her entire family included.

      How many males in the press will he declare ‘enemies of the state’?

      Trump invoking the Alien Enemies Act will obviously include many males also.

    12. TheTasteOfInk05 on

      Bans GTA VI before it even comes out. I can’t live in that world. Imagine having to wait almost a decade for it just to get canceled.

    13. What’s weird to me is that people don’t understand the consequences of these things.

      No porn especially. I’ve read “I don’t watch porn. So that’s fine with me.”

      They don’t seem to realize that somebody else gets to decide what’s considered pornography and what isn’t. And it’ll likely be some ultra conservative, wannabe super Christian that could potentially mark anything that shows a little bit of cleavage as porn. Or he’ll. Skirts that go below the knees.

      Same with video games or contraceptives.
      What’s considered a video game? Damn near anything you can interact with through a screen. They can make it very vague so they can make you block your phone and search through it.

      I also thought the “no cash” was a “deep state democrats” thing? MAGA people were vocally against it. Now that he’s pushing it, I wonder if they’ll change their minds.

    14. MurderyRainbow on

      *Couple gets home from work around the same time.*

      Wife: hi honey, how was your day?

      Husband: well it started off great. I finished up that big project. Boss was happy. I got home a little while ago and went to unwind with some video games, but they’re not working! It’s just some FCC warning on the screen that says video games are banned. How about you?

      Wife: I finally saw my doctor today about the nausea and vomiting. He told me I’m pregnant but that he doesn’t treat pregnant women because we’re a liability. He dropped me as a patient. Our neighbor went to medical school once and has been practicing doing abortions with coat hangers. I volunteered to be a guinea pig. Tonight I’m going to write my will in case I die.

      Husband: gee that sucks. Anyway, after trying to play video games, I tried to jerk off, but all the porn websites had the same warning! Can you believe it? How am I supposed to live without porn and video games? Can you make me a sandwich? I’m hungry.

    15. They just want servile corporate employees that stfu and help deliver profits on shit pay while the world around them burns and oh yeah church on Sundays.

      Fuk em

    16. sure karen, ban a multi-billion dollar industry bc you dont want to take care of your pew pew sticks. fucking ammosexuals

    17. VaultHunterChaos on

      Oh he can fuck right on off as a disabled person who can’t work, videogames is my escape from the craziness of reality.

    18. I hate Rump as much as anyone, but to be fair he didn’t say ALL video games, just violent ones.

    19. Out of curiosity and being able to cite sources when arguing with my republican friend, can anyone give me a source for this claim about no more porn or video games for the future of the American people?

    20. He’s not gonna do that shit, there’s far too much money in that for him to pull it off.

      You can fuck with babies, you can fuck with women and minorities. But you don’t fuck with the money

    21. malicious_kitty_cat on

      He is getting more unhinged by the day. I hope he will keep unravelling FAST in the most public manner in the hope that enough people understand where this is going and vote accordingly. In time for the election!

    22. Trump will make the entire US economy collapse if not the entire country itself which is what Russia is really counting on.

    23. This tells me that the Maga people haven’t studied history, specifically late 1700s in France.

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