Unless someone is smoking 50 an hour, there is no chance you can smell that from a difference house. Both my parents smoke and I could barely smell that from my bedroom next door. Weed on the other hand, now that can stink up a street.
Brothersunset on
I’ll do what I want. Don’t like it? Move. Build a higher fence. Use an air freshener. I’m not going to tell you what to do in your own property. “Sorry hoss, I smelled you making some chilli. It smells awful, I’m going to need you to can it”
connorthedancer on
What a random caption. One rule? There are worse things a neighbour can do than that, surely.
AsusStrixUser on
As a former smoker, I approve.
Thorus159 on
Damn trying to quit right now and its a hard fucking battle
Quitting weed was so much easier for me
SadAndHappyBear on
this is a meme?
JustBasilz on
I’m going to be moving to a place with multibe smokers…. not looking forward to it but I kind of have to lol. Great people but the smell makes me wanna die
Anti smoking campaigners in full swing this morning.
RubberAndSteel on
Good, more space for me.
Who_said_that_ on
My roommate smokes in his room and then wonders why I don’t do stuff with him.
scotty99CZ on
Happy 9th birthday! 🥳🎉
scotty99CZ on
Happy 9th birthday! 🥳🎉
imdadgot on
honestly not my land not my problem i hit my cherry flavored cancer instead so i have no room to judge
Unless someone is smoking 50 an hour, there is no chance you can smell that from a difference house. Both my parents smoke and I could barely smell that from my bedroom next door. Weed on the other hand, now that can stink up a street.
I’ll do what I want. Don’t like it? Move. Build a higher fence. Use an air freshener. I’m not going to tell you what to do in your own property. “Sorry hoss, I smelled you making some chilli. It smells awful, I’m going to need you to can it”
What a random caption. One rule? There are worse things a neighbour can do than that, surely.
As a former smoker, I approve.
Damn trying to quit right now and its a hard fucking battle
Quitting weed was so much easier for me
this is a meme?
I’m going to be moving to a place with multibe smokers…. not looking forward to it but I kind of have to lol. Great people but the smell makes me wanna die
Anti smoking campaigners in full swing this morning.
Good, more space for me.
My roommate smokes in his room and then wonders why I don’t do stuff with him.
Happy 9th birthday! 🥳🎉
Happy 9th birthday! 🥳🎉
honestly not my land not my problem i hit my cherry flavored cancer instead so i have no room to judge