Smoking ain’t it

    by TryingToFindThePeace


    1. Unless someone is smoking 50 an hour, there is no chance you can smell that from a difference house. Both my parents smoke and I could barely smell that from my bedroom next door. Weed on the other hand, now that can stink up a street.

    2. I’ll do what I want. Don’t like it? Move. Build a higher fence. Use an air freshener. I’m not going to tell you what to do in your own property. “Sorry hoss, I smelled you making some chilli. It smells awful, I’m going to need you to can it”

    3. connorthedancer on

      What a random caption. One rule? There are worse things a neighbour can do than that, surely.

    4. Damn trying to quit right now and its a hard fucking battle

      Quitting weed was so much easier for me

    5. I’m going to be moving to a place with multibe smokers…. not looking forward to it but I kind of have to lol. Great people but the smell makes me wanna die

    6. honestly not my land not my problem i hit my cherry flavored cancer instead so i have no room to judge

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