Suspiciously rat shaped stain next to rat traps

    by gilmorefile13


    1. It’s a decoy. The mice are becoming aware, please take advance measures to ensure capture. Installation of a laser grid is advisable. Trip mines and night vision cameras are optional.

      Good luck stranger.

    2. I wonder if there was once a dead rat/mouse there and it left behind some decomposition juices

    3. Use the glue traps when the regular traps are avoided. Put the glue traps all around the entry point as far as you think they can jump but 3 times further, a ton of traps. I hate mice enough to use the glue traps, they don’t know how to clench their butt checks. Then call an exterminator when you think you got all you are going to get because you will never see another mouse with whatever the exterminators do

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