SpaceX Raptor Engines before and after

    by Tecr


    1. Ok_Presentation_7477 on

      Raptor 3 looks old and Raptor 1 looks straight out those futuristic movies showing 2100

    2. Is that actually a complete engine, or did they just strip off some exterior hardware to make it look simpler?

    3. AlabamaHotcakes on

      In anything at all, perfection is finally attained not when there’s no longer anything to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away.

    4. Looks like some of the larger manifolds got simplified into fewer separate pieces, still have no clue what they did to all the smaller manifolds running down from the top.

    5. StaatsbuergerX on

      “Well, we kept misplacing a few parts during assembly and it still worked, so…” 🤷

    6. Cold-Tomatillo-414 on

      From ‘fragile as my dreams’ to ‘powerful enough to send them to Mars.’

    7. Soon they’ll discover it’s just a hole, drilled in the bottom of a canister full of propellant. Where’s my nuclear propulsion? It’s 2024 dammit!

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