ok i get it but how did they get the precisely machined hardend steel drill he got in the front tho
FullWoodpecker1646 on
But the had drill bits ,could have atleast gone with a wood bit
DancingAngelMadam4 on
Whooa, thats impressive such a smart idea
TW1Nx0NE on
So how’d they make the drill bit?
Sideways_planet on
That’s hot
SportyKittenQueen on
old-school ingenuity at its finest.
Youngestofmanis on
seems pretty inefficient
Dapper_Recognition50 on
Now show me how they made that drill bit…
Giant-Finch on
Drill bits back in these days would’ve been made with a twisted blade.
Hereiam_AKL on
Now do it on concrete
hapalove on
Hipster woodworking.
heftysubstantialshit on
“Hey Jim, yeah I need a new twisty string for my spinny drill.”
ilovestoride on
Good thing that bit was artisan coated in ye olde tinitride plasma reactor.
JeffreyIsland on
“now show me how he made that drill bit” people out here just can’t disregard that unrealistic caption and focus on the fact that this is a pretty cool and handy contraption when working on a project where electricity isn’t always accessible. I think it’s a bit out there but genius.
RonConComa on
I live old tools
guamguyravin671 on
I’m pretty sure that’s how they did it before I got into the trades 20 years ago 🤔
WolfCola_Ex on
I like how they spent hours making a tool that splits down the middle the first time it’s used…
SnooTomatoes5381 on
Is that how they built the pyramids?
stu8018 on
How do you think that drill bit was made? Hint: it wasn’t hand tools.
Efficient_Future_259 on
I wanna say it too…..DRILL BIT!!!!…I feel like I belong now.
No-District-1941 on
Didn’t know drill bit was made thousand of years ago
ok i get it but how did they get the precisely machined hardend steel drill he got in the front tho
But the had drill bits ,could have atleast gone with a wood bit
Whooa, thats impressive such a smart idea
So how’d they make the drill bit?
That’s hot
old-school ingenuity at its finest.
seems pretty inefficient
Now show me how they made that drill bit…
Drill bits back in these days would’ve been made with a twisted blade.
Now do it on concrete
Hipster woodworking.
“Hey Jim, yeah I need a new twisty string for my spinny drill.”
Good thing that bit was artisan coated in ye olde tinitride plasma reactor.
“now show me how he made that drill bit” people out here just can’t disregard that unrealistic caption and focus on the fact that this is a pretty cool and handy contraption when working on a project where electricity isn’t always accessible. I think it’s a bit out there but genius.
I live old tools
I’m pretty sure that’s how they did it before I got into the trades 20 years ago 🤔
I like how they spent hours making a tool that splits down the middle the first time it’s used…
Is that how they built the pyramids?
How do you think that drill bit was made? Hint: it wasn’t hand tools.
I wanna say it too…..DRILL BIT!!!!…I feel like I belong now.
Didn’t know drill bit was made thousand of years ago
Work the pipe