All opportunity is equal, but some opportunity is more equal than others.

    by Adventurous-Most-845


    1. Vagabond_Texan on

      The Pentagon failed it’s audit and couldn’t account for over $7.8 Trillion in assets, actually lmao.

    2. Basedandtendiepilled on

      Freddie DeBoer, in this case notably a socialist and an individual particularly well qualified to examine the subject, demonstrated quite clearly that [funding gaps do not explain academic gaps]( period.

      But, agreed. We shouldn’t be giving the government a blank check so that they can launder money through the military to spend on an endless littany of horrible things. Not sure why it’s hard to understand both things are true – the government is completely incapable of spending money well, and all money it has it has because it stole it from you or reduced the value of your money.

    3. The government doesn’t deserve any more of our money until they can prove that it’s being spent well. I want to know what the ROI is on every dollar of tax I pay

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