Then and now, that woman was and is beyond beautiful.

    by Boss_831


    1. Actually the song was sent to Beyoncé she declined, Jlo as well she declined and Amerie took it.

    2. Ehhh “stole” is harsh. Two artists can come up at the same time doing similar sounds, eg future and young thug. I’m no musicologist though. What do y’all think? I assume Dee Dee is talking about Beyonce.

    3. TheLeftDrumStick on

      Remember, when it used to be a common suggestion to say “if you like a song, look up the producer to hear more like it?”

      I remember

    4. Background-Ebb-1923 on

      Her “Love’s Off The Chain” is my jernt. J Lo’s “Get Right,” too. That whole Rich Harrison era was *so* live.

    5. noishouldbewriting on

      You guys are obsessed with pushing this narrative, I literally can’t even listen to this song without my mind drifting to this because of how often I saw it on Twitter. You’d think people didn’t know that people have hot songs all the time, and then don’t really continue, while others do. It happens more often than not, and stealing has nothing to do with it, and that’s no disrespect to Amerie.

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