Why they really took away lead paint.

    by Jarppakarppa


    1. Sort of, but not really.

      Paint a house with lead and you isolate four or five people from the illuminati.

      The real reason they phased it out was because the kids ate paint chips, rendering those particular individuals untrackable whether they were inside or not.

    2. Oh? So us Swedes had computers etc during the later part of the 19th century? Because lead paint have been banned since then.

    3. Oh that’s just so stupid do you have any idea how much lead base paint it would take to actually be effective for those purposes.

    4. ShooterMcShooty on

      There has been several studies now that support a correlation between lead poisoning and violent behaviour in Americans. About a generation after the big crack down on lead, you see those violent crime numbers tank. There was surely other factors involved, but without a doubt we were poisoning ourselves with lead for a long time.

    5. eww-fascism-kill-it on

      Is there a bottom to their stupidity? I mean, i already feel like we’ve been stuck in the darkest depths of Marianas Trench of stupidity for the last 10 years. Just when i think it can’t get any deeper, someone, somehow finds a shovel and starts digging.

    6. Painting your house with lead paint will help protect you from fallout! Won’t protect from the blast just the radiation!


    7. How does that work when you put all that shit in your house or in your pocket, or i used to have this GF who liked to be surprised at work.

    8. I can’t be the only one here that thinks this screams out that this is just a bot (likely Russian), spreading conspiracy misinformation to spread doubt and anti-intellectual rectoric.

      Virtually no one actually believes this and it’s being posted as if it’s some theory that is being widely adopted. I might be wrong but most of the posts I see here are very similar.

    9. Still_Cardiologist33 on

      I signed a lease not 2 years ago, and had to sign a waiver that there might be some lead paint somewhere in this old house. Fine, I won’t chew on the window sills. Were do people get this stuff?

    10. Bitter_Trade2449 on

      A while ago I had a thought experiment about “what lie could you tell that causes the most harm to the most people”. 

      My conclusion also came to causing lead poisoning. It works slow enough that people don’t notice others falling dead and could stil blame “the main stream media” and “the status quo”. Effective enough to kill, easy enough to get a hold on and broad enough to invent a lot of bullshit “science” around it. 

      I assume that it goes without saying that no sane person would actually contemplate spreading such a lie and that pictures like these never spread and are actually believed. And I can only hope that anyone stupid enough to fall for it won’t leave behind a devastated family. 

    11. The majority of these items were created well after the banning of lead based paint in the US in 1978, the closest being the cordless phone. Not sure why they have a utility meter in the image either, afaik those don’t emit any sort of signal.

    12. Absorbs…
      I can’t believe that’s the part of this post I take most issue with. I think the Internet has ruined me in ways I can’t comprehend.

    13. So they melitiously ban lead paint decades before the invention of those devices? How forward thinking of a government that still have no plan for a hurricane or how to stop power grid damage from a CME.

    14. “Man who ate too many lead paint chips as a child has wacky theory as to why you shouldn’t eat lead paint chips as a child.”

    15. IF anyone needs a good reason for pregnant women to NOT drink during pregnancy, here it is.

    16. Fake_William_Shatner on

      I’m sad to say that I think we don’t need to educate this person any more and things will sort themselves out.

    17. whataloadofoldshit_ on

      That x ray won’t come out very well if you wear a lead vest while having it done.

    18. I actually heard a great hour long segment on NPR about the scientist who (in the midst of trying to make an adequately controlled experiment) came to the conclusion that lead was LITERALLY in everything.


    19. These people are so stupid, I could offer them a series of shots to “Implant the nanites with a virus” and get them their vaccines.

    20. MusicAggravating5981 on

      Actually it’s because when you sand the wall before the next paint job you aerosolize little particles of lead that people inhale.

    21. These people need to look up what happened to Vahn Gogh’s mental state after using so much lead paint

    22. biological_assembly on

      Jesus Christ, these foreign disinformation campaigns are getting stupid.

      Does anyone ever think about where this shit comes from?

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