Let me be me 🥺

    by ThugosaurusFlex_1017


    1. BlackDynamite58990 on

      You can be yourself son. And not only can you wear it to church…you can also wear it to your funeral the next time you come in here shutting things off and yelling like you grown


    2. The reason it got cut off so quick is that’s prolly when pops snapped right up on his ass 😂

    3. lowtoiletsitter on

      “Had you not turned off the tv and lowered your voice, the request would’ve been granted”

    4. Narrow-Teaching-4197 on

      There’s the door, pal, be you all you want to be… Now, turn the tv back on…

    5. IF this is real, he could have severe mental illness. The parents stillness suggests it’s not their first rodeo. And black families, historically, don’t acknowledge treatable mental illness. I know from experience. And NO, you can’t beat it out of a patient.

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