Rome just know how to choose a symbol

    by Lady-Tangerine


    1. It makes sense. The wolf may have fed Romulus, she also fed the traitor Remus.

      The eagles supported Romulus his rightful claim to found the city on the Palentine hill, from which the eternal city rose and where the traitor Remus died…

      Also flying majestic creatures that aren’t a threat to men (unless they have very shiny heads) and are associated with Jupiter and other gods are probably better than creatures that are dangerous and scary and associated with prostitutes….

    2. Frequent-Lettuce4159 on

      The symbols we use to denote an Empire or culture are not necessarily the same as those used by those at the time of said empire of culture

      Was the eagle Rome’s symbol? or was a it a common motiff mostly used by her legions, for a certain amount of time?

    3. Same as 1st French Empire, they had a cool symbol with the hard-working bee but went for the stupid eagle instead

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