Simple disagreements into full blown arguments

    by lilbuu_buu


    1. I’ve seen this when one person feels like they’re being talked down to and the other person feels like something is obvious..

      But take this with a grain of salt. My last gf broke up with me because “I got my degree and thought I knew every fuckin’ thing”

    2. I think dating outside of financial brackets is much worse…..Some of the smartest people in society never got a college degree. I have three degrees but I can have an educated discussion with a plumber or a culinary chef (neither require college education)

      However, when it comes to finances, there is a huge difference in having a savers’ and spenders’ mindset. I have no interest in dating a broke woman who has bad money habits because they have nothing to offer me in return and they rarely care about the advice I have to give them

      There is a reason why financial issues, not educational disparity, is the leading cause of divorce in the US

    3. KleshawnMontegue on

      I’m dating a guy who has no college education, but he is very intelligent. At times we definitely go at it because he gets his info from instagram and tik tok. It annoys the hell out of me that he takes that as fact instead of peer-reviewed sources. He also is not American and is woefully ignorant of how this country works.

    4. East-Bluejay6891 on

      Trust me, it’s much worse dating someone who thinks they are smarter than you and smarter than they actually are

    5. If they speak English and don’t know the difference between they’re, their, and there then we are not the same.

    6. This nugget will come from a complete idiot. Because he thinks it’s you. But I do agree. It’s why people get looked at funny when they date outside their race.

    7. TequilaAndWeed on

      I once dated someone who couldn’t watch movies with subtitles because they made her lips hurt. That wouldn’t be a deal breaker, but her talking down to me sure did.

      Also someone who said she felt “dumn” around me, which I’ll never stop snickering about. Never ever try to talk down to anyone because who am I anyway?

    8. Once upon a time I told a man I was contemplating something. He hit me back with “Why would you tell me you’re constipated? That’s nasty”. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)

    9. Meh. If the person was so smart, why did they get in a relationship with an average person and think it was going to work?

    10. I’m not sure if I fully agree with this. Above all the most important part is knowing your lane to stay in. I don’t think many people are truly dumb i just think most folks have different areas of interest.

      If I talk to my girlfriend about things like the economy or computers she trusts I know what I’m saying. I studied comp science and she’s very bad with finances or understanding the economy.

      When she starts talking to me about health related things, I shut my ass up because I’m the “yeah I’ll sweat it out” guy for pretty much everything unless she makes me take medicine. She also has a leg up on me for a lot of social science things to the point where unless I’m bringing up something with cited sources I’ll usually defer to her and her conclusions.

      But most people think ever taking a backseat is taboo. What are we there for in a partnership if we aren’t helping one another?

    11. I’m not an insufferable, socially inept egghead, so I can change to vibe with whatever audience I’m interacting with. You gotta be a lobotomite to irritate me and make me think “oh, you’re cooked…”

      And “Education Bracket” is meaningless these days because even someone who is college-educated will still mindlessly parrot social media/tiktok-sourced misinformation. It always comes out of left-field and leaves you looking like

    12. BlackExcellence19 on

      I’m glad there are more people that think about this because I actually thought I was elitist for not wanting to date someone who doesn’t have a college degree and I could still be wrong on this take

    13. Finally someone understood this. Especially when it comes to following customs, religion and traditions. Like I didn’t go and get an education for someone who is narrow minded and stuck in up their backward traditions to try to convince me to follow them too.

    14. In the case of the difference between having a college education or not I am inclined to disagree. I feel that I can communicate with on the same level even though I never finished college.

    15. itriedtobemebutidk on

      I would love to date a smart man though. If he’s smarter than me, it’s even better.

    16. notoriousJEN82 on

      I don’t think the degree or lack thereof matters as much as the ability to think critically and question things. Plenty of degree holders can’t do either.

    17. Its should say intelligence range instead of education. Someone can be more educated and less intelligent than the next person

    18. Eh, even in the same “bracket,” knowledge bases can be wildly different. Welcome to the information age.

    19. My uncle used to tell me a relationship would be in PERIL if you didnt align on:

      **P**arents: they dont get along with your family and/or dont like you.
      **E**ducation: Pretty much this post.
      **R**eligion: Probably self-explanatory.
      **I**nterests: Hobbies and stuff. If they conflict.

    20. I don’t have this with my wife, because we have the same degree, but none of my childhood friends have degrees, while have had some published research in health sciences. There’s 100% a bunch of things my friends know that are outside my scope of education, but you’d assume medicine and health is one of them because I 100% refuse to talk about how Dr Sebi had all the answers, or how there’s actually a one stop cure for cancer that big pharma is hiding.

    21. PositiveStress8888 on

      I would disagree, I had undiagnosed ADHD so I went to trade schools. Im a curious person by nature, my wife has her PHD. We hardly argue and when we due the argument is about the issue and we don’t rehash old arguments

      However, I’ve dated women that were in much different tax brackets and education, and I think those 2 combinations don’t pair well. If you partner is broke and uneducated… Forget it, Everything was a fight, we couldent see eye to eye on anything.

      If your serious about someone, get the money talk out of the way and and the timeline about what you both want out of your time together in the future.

      The amount of people I see getting married that have never had the money conversation is crazy to me.

    22. I understand what the post is implying but in my opinion and I’m just going off my arguments with my wife. My opinion is most of my arguments wasn’t educational related. Most of our arguments was about stupid shit like I forgot to unload the dishwasher or I forgot to stop and get milk on the way home or I forgot to pick the kids up after school.

    23. These comments are wild. Being smart doesn’t make you special or better than anyone else. You may have advanced degrees but lack emotional intelligence, you can still be bad with finances, and still hold on to childhood trauma and sabotage any relationship you’re in.

    24. I think im an idiot but i’ve dated a professor and hang out with ridiculously smart and rich people all the time. I would say the dumbest conversations I ever held were with people who gave the perception of being better than they were.

      And they usually roam in groups and validate each other. Might even kick you out of their group that you aren’t even a part of.

    25. noishouldbewriting on

      People with the same education get in arguments all the time as well, so what’s your point?

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