And now your one minute of Zen.

    by blzngSaddlez


    1. During a town hall campaign event in Oaks, Pa., on Monday Trump **stopped answering questions** and instead swayed to a playlist of music **for nearly 40 entire minutes.**

      I’d say that’s really weird.. AND interestingasfuck.

    2. This is startling as fuck. It went on for more than 30 minutes with him just standing and bobbing around while music plays and people leave.

    3. It’s like some found a random cassette tape from someone granny’s house and played it.

    4. This is hilarious and so f***** weird. Literally, this couldn’t be parodied harder. Please vote this orange weirdo away!

    5. What the everloving fuck is this. He is either high as fuck, or he has no idea where he is or what he’s supposed to be doing. It’s frightening to think this man could be elected to any position, much less president.
      OK grandpa, let’s just listen to some music for a while before we change your diaper.

    6. His dementia is getting sooooooo bad, at this point it should be readily apparent even to nonprofessionals in the field.

    7. SatisfactionOk2290 on

      Kristi Noem: „Mister President, you wanna close off with your song or just answer some questions?“

      Trump: „What song?“

      And then this happened.
      I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t see it.

    8. My dad has Alzheimers. My sister works in dementia care. Everyone in the industry knows this behavior and what’s happening here. And this is the best the Republicans have to offer….

    9. anotherdamnscorpio on

      To be fair, all I wanna do when I take drugs is listen to music too, so I kinda get it.

    10. TheDadThatGrills on

      Does someone have the full video? Want to speed it up so it fits within a 30-60 second spot.

    11. Capable-Salamander-4 on

      And the media is going to be like: “trump did not tell a single lie during his rally for 39 minutes straight!”

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