1. Chemical_Actuary_190 on

      Projection! He must have gotten a bad report and he’s doing his usual deflection/projection b.s
      It could explain his half hour brain fart music time at his rally.

    2. everythingbeeps on

      “My report is perfect, but I’m still not going to show it to you so just take my word for it because it’s not like I’ve ever lied before.”

    3. everythingbeeps on

      Pretty strange that someone who’s supposedly doing so well in the polls would be this blatantly terrified and panicky all the time about everything.

    4. muddlebrainedmedic on

      Pardon me, could you please stop shitting your pants while you brag about your perfect health?

    5. Commercial_Duck_3490 on

      Yes Donald please tell us some more about how you illegally obtained someone’s medical history without their permission and then fury freaking the law by making that information public. Anyone who can’t see right through this projection of his is an outright moron. Yeah the 80 year old obese man addicted to fast food and gas never done a healthy activity is in better shape than Kamala. Trump can’t even get through a rally without shitting his pants. Trump von shitzhispants.

    6. Can we just get an impartial doctor to examine both of them and publish the report publicly? And do the same with an IQ test?


      … won’t release anything.

      This motherfucker is a never ending nightmare.

    8. If your report is perfect, then just release it for everyone to confirm. Simple. Unless it’s a lie.

    9. He’s a bone spur survivor; he knows the struggle of overcoming and achieving in spite of incredible hardship. /s

    10. 90% sure they just give him a child’s menu maze and a couple crayons at this point.

      “Sir if you can just fill out this test we can conclude our report, if you stay inside the lines the whole time you get an extra hamburder for dinner”

    11. Show us the fucking report then.. goddamn, this guy keeps spitting lies that he just cant back up

    12. Just I minor issue of mental health deterioration, and shitting himself regularly in public during stressful situations – like meeting world leaders or compromising with opponents.

    13. MurkyButterfly750 on

      Says the dude who spent 30 minutes on stage in a dementia induced haze swaying back and forth to his soundtrack.

    14. RebelScoutDragon on

      So Kamala Harris suffers from hay fever and a skin allergy. That’s not a flex, Donald. It’s just something many people have.

    15. You can always tell what Trump is currently trying to hide…..if his medical is bad then he’ll spout lies about his opponent’s health ‘being bad’.

    16. republicans are stupid. They will believe literally any bullshit that the fat clown spouts, no matter how utterly nonsensical it may be.

      Republicans **HATE** America.

      Republicans want to **DESTROY** America.

      Vote blue, no matter who. Vote like your life depends on it.

      It very likely does.

    17. CommissionNo2198 on

      21 more days of this insecure, pretend strongman gibberish until we never hear from him again

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