Which timeline is this

    by Ok-Ratic-5153


    1. They’re going to have some of you clamor for a Dick Cheney endorsement in no time! And if you don’t like it, you’re a fascist.

      Hilarious things are happening in America.

    2. redditmodsRrussians on

      Hes probably realizing that hes not on the Project 2025 list of “approved” loyalists.

    3. inbetween-genders on

      Too bad the ghouls they put on the supreme burrito, I mean court, are not like these ghouls.

    4. On the one hand, this shows how trash Trump truly is.

      On the other, fuck Rove and all the other Bush/Cheney minions.

      I am…conflicted.

    5. The one where Kamala opens up her campaign to right wingers looking for relevancy and isolates many of her progressive voters. The ones most likely to withhold the vote because of Israel.

    6. catschainsequel on

      The answer is obvious, all these people want business as usual which Kamala will bring, Trump winning promises to turn the US into a an autocracy where all must bow at the knee for trump, this will cost all of them money and power.

    7. It’s pretty simple really.

      After Jimmy Carter and the losses of walter Mondale and Michael dukakis, the democrats decided that they needed to pivot further to the right.

      They did, and it worked(with Bill Clinton). Republicans now had a choice: 

      A. stay true to conservatism and promote new deal regulations that had reigned in wall st. And bring back the kind of government spending that gave people jobs. Conserving what worked while criticising the fallout of neoliberal policy.

      B. Double down on deregulation and double down on culture war and move further to the right.

      They decided they’d go ahead with B. They’ve continued to do that until you have the monster that party has turned into where even people like Dick Cheney and Karl rove don’t feel comfortable there anymore. They aren’t conservatives now, they’re radicals that are actively trying to govern from the courts and change things not based off what is popular with the public, but based on what will give their socioeconomic class and their friends the most amount of money and authority. The party has been remade in the image of Donald Trump and other people are not down for that.

      I suspect there are a lot of people who are registered Republicans and have even voted for Trump before who will quietly vote the other way on election day. 

    8. Goes to show you how batshit insane the Republican/’Conservative’/GOP party has become, even the previous rats are scared.

    9. Obsidian_Purity on

      Hell, my google fu might be weak today. I’ve been looking this up and all I see is stuff on Fox News that says he’s bashing her for some comments she made. Anyone got sauce?

    10. TheMoorNextDoor on

      One where the Old GOP is fighting for control of their party back and the new far right wing is fighting for a complete reset of the country and to get rid of the “old GOP”

      It’s wild times rn.

      Got to remember Trump is also threatening a lot of these people’s friends who are still in these positions at the CIA/FBI/ETC so they know what Cole’s with him winning and they can’t allow that either.

      Definitely some new political parties going to come out of this in the next 10 years or so.

      Multi-party system instead of Two.

    11. herefromyoutube on

      This is bad.

      Rove and Chaney can fuck right over.

      Overton window has fucked this country.

      We could’ve had affordable healthcare by now but now we on to fucking tax credits and immigration funding.

    12. I googled this, and it seems to be entirely made up. There is no grain of truth to it, it’s just pulled from a butt on twitter.

    13. The Republican establishment has always been against Trump. The problem is MAGA has a stranglehold on the party. If you speak out you get bounced so everyone just falls in line.

      The only republicans willing to speak out are ones that are no longer in positions of direct power so Trump can’t retaliate.

    14. CocoabrothaSBB on

      Anyone else feel weird with so many traditional Repubs endorsing Harris? I feel like it plays into the “Trump is anti-establishment” nonsense.

    15. Antique_Law_2473 on

      It’s the timeline where sane Republicans know they need to stop Trump/MAGA from destroying the country. Their purpose is to give permission to other Republicans that it’s OK to vote for Harris this election–we can get back to regular scheduled programming of arguing about taxes and deregulation at a later date.

    16. Extension_Essay8863 on

      This is the part of the Thousand Year Blood War arc where Aizen helps out against Yuwach Bach

    17. Creative-Aioli3389 on

      They have to get rid of Trump, and got so much mileage turning Obama into a Gay Muslim Nazi Communist Black Panther that they figure they’ll be able to do worse with Kamala. Maybe some kind of manufactured economic collapse eight months before the midterms or whatever.

      I don’t care. Let’s win this and worry about tomorrow once she’s sworn in.

    18. alessadultieradult on

      I feel like we’re in an alternate dimension, and there is no reset button anywhere.

      That’s the only explanation I’ve got for all…this.

    19. Kamala Harris is a neoliberal is what this gives me… pro war with Iran and arming Israel, deregulation in the firing of Lina khan, prosecutor…

    20. SiliconMadness on

      Trump is messin’ around with some old money people. That’s why so many unlikely characters are supporting Kamala. All this culture war strife and whatnot that we see is a tale old as recorded history itself…. rich people fighting for resources and the rest of us lining up behind the factions.

      This is a copypaste from leaked emails and other documents from American Byzantine Project (ABP). The message below was written by Paul Gorecki who worked with Trump during the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh.


      *We are fighting for many resources, but what resources in particular? The resources which we seek above all are babies; human resources. We must increase the birth rate so as to grow the wealth of our stakeholders while simultaneously depressing that of external parties. To this end, we must above all shun LGBT behavior and activism and all manners of feminism.*

      *Before the Supreme Court we have United States v. Skrmetti, which determine whether the states may prohibit all medical treatments intended to allow a minor to identify with, or live as, a purported identity inconsistent with the minor’s sex or to treat purported discomfort or distress from a discordance between the minor’s sex and asserted identity. We will flood the airwaves and social media with anti-transgender messaging. They will see 20+ ads a day. Frame it as “think of the children” and appeal to the actual religion of the rabble, sports. The intent of this case is not to target the transgender population, but to test how far we can stretch Dobbs. The ACLU notes the case is a major test of how far the court is willing to stretch Dobbs to allow states to ban other health care. The court’s ruling could serve as a stepping stone towards further limiting access to abortion, IVF, and birth control.*

      *Indeed, Skrmetti is the next step is setting in place restrictions on IVF, contraception, gay marriage, and women in certain professions. After all, if a woman cannot compete with a hormone laden man who grew boobs and decided he wants to play volley ball with women, what makes her think that she can pull a grown man out of a car wreck or compete with a drugged up, angry criminal on the streets as a police officer. A woman’s place is in the home, not the police cruiser.*


      Actually joking. I wrote that myself. There is no such thing as American Byzantine Project, and Paul Gorecki is a name I just made up 5 minutes ago. Nevertheless it’s how these people think lol.

      Now y’all go have them babies and vote to keep them transgenders down. We are protecting you. /s

    21. nathanabril1996 on

      In 20 years, there’s going to be think pieces written about how all the Neo-Cons Trump pushed out infiltrated and took over the Democrat Party, and we will be asking ourselves, “How did we get here?”

    22. Ok-Satisfaction-5012 on

      It is genuinely shocking to me that people see the very worst of the Republican establishment: bush era neocon warmongers, reaganite right wing fanatics who destroyed much of American society, and establishment republicans like Liz Cheney (who voted with Trump *93%* of them time during his presidency), and conclude that their support for Harris shows that she’s the good guy.

      It’s befuddling to me that democrats have, at times aptly, characterized the Republican Party as a cruel, fascistic, demagogic machine that is lurching Americans towards a radical right wing reorientation, and yet people cheer when Harris says she’ll have republicans in her administration, or that the US needs a strong two party system.

      And it’s not some electoral gambit. 94% percent of Republicans voted for Trump in the last election, and 86% of self identified conservatives voted for him. He obliterated the republican primary despite having actual challengers in the field. He’s won three consecutive Republican primaries and the maga movement is routinely described as a cult. This appeal to “disaffected republicans” is a flimsy excuse to rationalize the right wing legislative agenda which has no actual support in the Democratic parties base.

    23. LaddiusMaximus on

      How wild that the villains of my youth are now trying to be on the right side of history for once.

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