Who in their right mind will watch someone just stand there for over a half hour doing nothing?

    by janjinx


    1. spacemanspiff288 on

      i’m more amazed people are still willing to stand in the danger zone directly behind him knowing you run the risk of either catching a shot meant for him or a whiff of shit *from* him.

    2. LaughingAtNonsense on

      These MAGA twats look super creeped out and ready to leave. Bone Spurs Gramps look crazed and ready to keel over.

    3. Is it better to remain silent & be thought of as an idiot or open ones mouth & remove all doubt?

      Possibly, but one should also not arrange for situations where either is highly likely, unless idiocy is what is being sought.

    4. It’s like a concert where the artist isn’t there and the hired Entertainer denies his job.

    5. Brokenspokes68 on

      I just heard the audio from this. His psycophants on stage with him were stomach churning with their simpering praise for his idiotic idea.

      Trump is truly the emperor with no clothes.

    6. They weren’t just standing. they were reaching their arms into the sky and celebrating like it was Sunday Baptist mass. The followers who go to these rallies are part of a cult – leader can do no wrong. And if he did do wrong, than time to alter reality so that is indeed ‘right’.

    7. “It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt.”

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