Biggest falloff in history

    by Thin-Pool-8025


    1. Comprehensive-Fail41 on

      Who’d have guessed a sudden massive influx of previously rare materials that serve as the basis for your currency could result in a hyperinflation crisis?

    2. When you steal so much gold and silver that you flood the market and the price of said metals drops leaving you at starting position ( and now you also have an enormous empire to take care of as a bonus )

    3. SecretSpectre11 on

      The Soviets yoinking all of their gold: “perfectly balanced, as all things should be”

    4. watergosploosh on

      Turns out goods and services are more important than shiny metals. Huh, who would have guessed?

    5. “Steal” Man It was their territory, they were merely exploting their territory. Or are we gona consider the roman gold mines in Iberia as the Roman stealing Spain gold?

    6. I will never refuse to bring up the fact that Spaniards thought platinum was worthless outside of being used to counterfeit gold so they dumped their entire supply into the sea and threw it into rivers

    7. 2nW_from_Markus on

      Half went to pay mercenaries in (stupid) Flanders, so went to pay beer and bitches.
      The other half is still in display inside churches, mostly in Andalucía.

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