Fixed zone

    by Deangela-LunaEnigma


    1. What’s really wild is that the guy largely responsible for the adoption of CFCs in the first place was _also_ largely responsible for the adoption of leaded gasoline, _another_ major environmental disaster at least partially averted/reverted by global cooperation following alarm from the scientific community. It’s not even hyperbole to say that Thomas Midgley Jr. may well be the most destructive individual in the history of life as we know it.

    2. Ok_District2853 on

      I don’t care about the stupidity. Lots of people are stupid. I’ve done stupid things and been stupid in the past. It happens.

      It’s the arrogance I hate. The “innocent”, “just asking” questions.

      People used to hate being stupid.

    3. “I mistakenly believe one natural calamity fixed itself, so obviously every other one can do so as well for some reason.”

    4. Also, in case anyone is wondering about the state of said ozone layer, it is fixing itself, albeit slowly.

    5. LongjumpingWallaby8 on

      Australia thanks the world for that, because for some reason there was a big ass hole over our country that has caused us to be the world leaders in skin cancers

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