Creationism is BS and has no place in schools

    by SunWukong3456


    1. Who made their god, he didn’t just pop into existence. And who made the maker god, and that god, and that god…

    2. Someone still needs to explain to how Adam and Eve had two sons and those four somehow populated the entire world. Was there incest? Did they procreate with animals?

    3. RealUltimatePapo on

      Who’s the biggest idiot, the idiot that pushes this shit, or the idiots that give him the power to do it in the first place?

    4. On the bright side in MN the rest of the legislators just roll their eyes and ignore the stupid coming out of this mans mouth.

    5. If he can, through a scientific process similar to what is used to test other theories, prove that God exists then he can teach about that in schools.

    6. YourLastMealOfMCes on

      I weep for people that have been denied a proper education, but then again, he has access to the internet.

    7. Ah yes, the computer, which popped into existence instead of relying on millennia of evolution in science and technology.

    8. SmokeyGiraffe420 on

      I’m choosing to interpret this as him stating his belief that the universe is a simulation and the Abrahamic God is the one who created it and keeps it running.

    9. He answered his own question.
      Of course someone made the computer.
      Was it made by a magic ghost?

    10. DrinkyDrinkyWhoops on

      If everything complicated must be created, then God must have also been created by a higher being. This necessitates a God higher than God, making the Bible, Quran, and all similar books about middle management at best.

      Also, we can see how computers are made, just as we can see evolution at work.

    11. I wouldn’t say creationism is BS, I’m personally an athiest but i do think religion is a necessity for many. The vast majorittly of people seem to need a relgion of some kind to help addd purpose to their life.

      However I do think it has no place in schools 100%

    12. aRebelliousHeart on

      It’s all about indoctrination for these people. While they accuse Dems, gay and trans people of being groomers they do it in overdrive.

    13. Repeat of the 2000s again where it was Intelligent Design as a way to sneak creationism into schools.

      The argument is that common complex objects were created by human intelligence, therefore the complexity of nature must also have come from an intelligence.

      The counter argument is that complexity can also come from simple processes over time. Conways game of life is an abstract example of this, where simple rules about whether a grid cell is “alive or dead” and make very complicated behaviour.

      Genetic mutations with natural selection is the simple process that makes complex life, but unfortunately, it’s difficult to convince people of this if they are already convinced of a supernatural creator

    14. His argument bolsters an atheist world view. Humans made all those things, and they evolved to be able to do just that. BTW, who made all those toys at Christmas? Proof of Santa?

    15. I fully agree with this man. It is time to teach the gospel of the flying spaghetti monster to everyone and end global warming by reintroducing pirates. Yarr and Ramen.

    16. Technically, wind, rain, time and chance DID allow the computer to come into existence. Without those same things we wouldn’t have humanity experiencing the insanely improbable outcome of the random chance that is existence.

    17. wait are creationists comparing themselves to God?, i thought we werent supposed to do that.

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