The golden wheel spider is known for its unique method of locomotion

    by 50ShadesOfSpray_


    1. I love this story.
      It starts out as a typical love story but then a dynamic adventure unfolds only to end in the jaws of shockingly grisly death clutch that goes completely unnoticed by society. If we hurry we can save him…..

    2. yamimementomori on

      The unsuspecting wasp enters the scorching desert sands, in an area of unknown territory. Suddenly, a spider ambushes from beneath, to the wasp’s utter bewilderment! The wasp knocks it over like a girl rejecting a guys’s sudden physical advances, and he lays there, feeling useless and defeated. The persistent lad recovers and gets back into attack mode, and they intermingle and finger-wiggle. Place your bets, choose your fighter, they both wield petrifying weapons that will put the other out of commission. A swift conclusion: the wasp’s unmatched strength proves to be too overwhelming; a formidable opponent. He may be three times her size, but she’s a spicy one, hailing from California, with Pepper as her middle name.

      Hopeless, the twiggy, itsy bitsy spider frantically plots his escape. Oh my! What a surprise, who would’ve guessed! He transforms into a wheel to roll away like a tumbleweed on the golden sand. Talk about a self-reference! Luckily, the wasp is too blind to see the tumbleweed now. At long last, the spider is safe, and breathes a sigh of relief. BLOODY HELL—JUST THEN a lizard comes out of nowhere and causes an irreparable flat tire, an unexpected turn of events! Shocking, unbelievable, absolutely incredible, r/natureismetal.

    3. Dude I love the way the spider righted itself after being flipped over, like it was breakdancing

    4. Altruistic-Poem-5617 on

      Bug fights are brutal. Unlike with big animals where they usually avoyd fight unless one is way stronger and can dispatch they prey relatively fast, bugs often actually trade blows how it seems.

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