In 1997, Tony “Apollo” Allison had an 11-hour standoff with Seattle police, wielding a samurai sword. He was eventually subdued with tear gas and returned to psychiatric care.

    by TheEmbedCode


    1. In 1997, Tony “Apollo” Allison, a man with a history of mental illness, held Seattle police in an 11-hour standoff while wielding a samurai sword. Despite various negotiation tactics, including offers of money and food, Apollo refused to surrender. The standoff ended when police used tear gas, fire hoses, and a ladder to subdue him. Apollo had been released from a psychiatric facility a year before and was returned to mental health care after the incident.


    2. That pic goes hard, like some supervillain just waiting to go ham.

      Good that he was subdued.

    3. read the name as *Apolo Anton Ohno* and thought this was about the speed skater, then i thought about swords and speed skating and how cool that would be

    4. MarlonShakespeare2AD on

      More sad than interesting

      Glad they managed to subdue him rather than shoot him

    5. So let me get this straight – the guy was able to stave off an entire police force that is armed with guns, tear gas, tasers, water throwers et cetera while only carrying a sword himself for half a day?

      Dude must be hell of a swordmaster.

    6. I ate lunch as a bike messenger in the diner on the second floor across the street and watched this. It was slow and sad. He bought a sword cause it was cool, brandished it a few times, cops got called, and then they couldn’t figure out what to do. Eventually pinned him to the wall with a ladder and took it off him.


      Did a documentary come out or something? I’ve been seeing this story posted a lot the past 24 hours.

    8. Callme_Usernames on

      Surprised they gave him 11 hours. In today’s age the cops wouldn’t give him two seconds.

    9. Masturbating_Macaque on

      It’s a lie. If it were real, he would have been shot 162 times by officers afraid for their lives

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