70% of French electricity comes from nuclear power

    by Hafling3r35


    1. YogaLoveMoonlight on

      looks likeeee france really knows how to charge ahead 😀 who needs a crystal ball when u have nuclear power? 😀 hahaha

    2. Wish the rest of the world would also do that but nuclear means scary bad thing so no we can’t have nice things

    3. And then you have Germany, who closed down its plants.

      And now they pollute more than before to keep up with the consumption.

    4. Nuclear is mind-blowingly efficient *and* it’s **cleaner** than wind or solar energy.

      Used solar panels and wind turbine blades often end up in landfills instead of being recycled. Nuclear waste has to be stored in very specific places and ways, making it safer, and there’s a far smaller volume of it.

      So good on them for being pro-nuclear. Anyone who isn’t is just ignorant.

    5. Actually, you can`t use plutonium from the commercial energetic PWRs or BWRs to make a nuclear weapon – too much Pu-240 isotope, which is non-usable garbage.

      So, you know, mem is just meme, not more.

    6. Distinct-Entity_2231 on

      If we would live in a rational society, 70 % of global electricity production would be from nuclear. Clean, non-poluting, lot of power per small area and safe. Yes, nuclear is safe. Much safer than coal, gar or even wind.

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