Claiming to have ‘values’…

    by what_eve_r


    1. TimesUglyStepchild on

      It is possible to have corrupt, immoral, ignorant values.

      Not having the same values as “normal” people like most of the world doesn’t mean they don’t have them.

      Just means somewhere down the line they either didn’t learn the good ones, or something twisted them into thinking such things are acceptable.

    2. Radiant-Cow126 on

      They do have values. They value hatred and selfishness and greed. They do not have morals or decency

    3. Jgfranco88PkmnGo on

      Funny thing, a lot of these inbreds would’ve been some those very first in line to the gas chambers.

    4. All those who died and fought against the Nazis to end that hate would be rolling in their graves watching them march down our streets today

    5. How can you support nazi shit and calm to be an American patriot at the same time ?.. but I guess stupid is gone be stupid 😂

    6. Thank God that prominent GOP representatives are coming out and openly saying that these people are not welcome in the Republican Party and are anathema to what the USA stands for.


    7. Hmmm…this is the same party that Trump says the Jews have no choice but to vote for, right?

    8. B-Rye_at_the_beach on

      I am glad my great Uncle didn’t have to see this. He fought at the Battle of the Bulge.

    9. MAGA and Republicans insist they denounce Nazis but they sure do attract these meatheads like flies to shit.

    10. sassychubzilla on

      Oh they have values, they’re just sociopathic values like power and domination. Cruelty isn’t the cherry on top of their sundae, it’s the ice cream.

    11. Gee I wonder why we don’t see Nazi and Kamala flags flying together? There must be a reason Nazi’s feel safe and welcome in the Trump camp

    12. Temporary_Routine_69 on

      Imagine going through a living nightmare fighting over seas to get rid of the nazis just to see these fucking shitheads think it’s cool to be a nazi

    13. Seeing this from across the pond, i am surprised this is tolerated so much. That’s not freedom of speech, its hate and more

    14. Nazis, Christian Nationalists, militias attacking FEMA in the middle of disaster zones, insurectionists, and the willfully ignorant and brainwashed. These are his supporters. That makes it even sadder that this is a tight race.

    15. I hope we all have pictures of these domestic terrorists….once Trump loses WE CAN ROUND UP all these TRAITORS and DEPORT THEM to RUSSIA!!!

    16. Let’s face it the Republican party has been replaced by Nazis now they are Nazi Republicans or republican Nazis

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