“Punish the poor by starving their children” is such a cruel position

    by Pessimist2020


    1. Jealous-Network1899 on

      Same guy probably think mega corporations should get tax breaks to “create jobs”.

    2. Because that’s the point of taxes? To pay for the common good…

      Poor people pay taxes too. Sales taxes and property taxes especially, even if they don’t pay any federal/state income taxes.

    3. Didntlikedefaultname on

      Childless taxpayer here. I couldn’t not be happier to have my tax money go to feeding and educating kids whether or not they have any relation to me

    4. Emotional_Narwhal304 on

      Why should I pay for the police to respond when *you* are in danger?

      Why should I pay the fire fighters to help when *your* house is on fire?

      Why should I pay for the roads be fixed in front of *your* driveway?

      Oh yeah, because the US is selectively socialist. We collect taxes from people who live in a community and distribute them to social amenities like fire and rescue, police, and oh yeah feeding poor kids. The thing is, only scumbags will gladly accept the help of a firetruck, but piss and moan when poor people get to eat on their dime.

    5. CuriousGrimace on

      If a child’s parents make a million dollars a year, but doesn’t provide for lunch for them, it’s still not the child’s fault. Every child in public school should get free meals because it’s never their fault if their parents don’t make sure they get a meal.

    6. Those children will run the country one day.

      Call it an investment in our continued economic system and taxpayer dollars for our nation’s infrastructure.

    7. It’s 2024 and these ass hats still think “It’s not free, it’s paid for by taxpayers” is some kind of gotcha. Everyone with more than 4 functioning brain cells knows that “free” programs are subsidized by taxpayers. The programs are free to the people who need them but cannot afford them on their own, like children who need food so they can actually learn.

    8. I mean, it’s the whole republican party, not just this dickwad. I disregard anything they say, and I wish I could forget they exist entirely.

    9. As someone who has no children and never wants to have any I will happily pay taxes so children can get fed at school.

      I was very happy when Minnesota made school breakfast and lunch free for every student. It’s not the child’s fault if their parents are unable or simply refuse to either pack them a good lunch or give them money to buy lunch. Children need to eat at school so they can learn better.

      I’d much rather my tax dollars go to things that help the community such as feeding children in school than to an already overly large military budget or corporate bailouts or something.

      We live in a society and a part of that is taking care of one another and using taxes to pay for school meals does that.

    10. New_Attempt_7810 on

      I don’t understand this logic. Why should pay for your kids to eat??? Like wtf you are down for kids starving? That’s the kind of person you are? How about a kid who isn’t hungry can learn better! A society that helps each other be better is one the best societies the world can have and yet people want to see their neighbors kids suffer. Incredible!

    11. My mom thinks she had some sort of “gotchya” with me (child free by choice) when she said “what about these people who have 10 kids?!”

      I said as someone who has no children, I have no problem with that. Give these kids free breakfast, lunch, prenatal care to mothers, and preventive medical and dental care to children under 18. I have no problem with my tax dollars going to something like. Hell, take my tax dollars and subsidize day care and after school care while you’re at it. Much better than funding conflicts (although I do understand the importance of our military allies), bailing out banks and airlines, or this ridiculous voucher program that ends up funneling tax dollars to private (likely religious) schools.

      What ever happened to “it takes a village?”

    12. and who pays for the politicians to eat lunch, if not the tax payers? but they got money for war and shit.

    13. Give the children what they need to become successful adults. These children grow up to our mail persons, doctors, politicians, retail workers, cooks and so much more. What will they remember about how they were treated by their government.

    14. Liberty_Bell_End on

      IF: You are in favor of children going hungry for any reason, anywhere, anywhen.

      THEN: You are my enemy.

      There is very little that is not some shade of grey. But feeding hungry children, regardless of whose they are, ESPECIALLY given the advances in agricultural capacity/production, is simply a 1/0 issue.

      You’re either in favor of feeding them, or you are just fucking wrong.

    15. Kindly-Ad-5071 on

      He’s absolutely right! Why should we pay for the lunches of other people’s children? Why should we pay for other people’s health care? Why should we pay for other neighborhoods’ sidewalks!? Why should we pay for other state usage of the military??? Why do we live in a society at all!?!?!? Why don’t we all just return to the ***fucking savannah*** and eat ***FUCKING CARRION UNTIL THE MOTHERFUCKING SUN EXPLODES!?***

      What imbeciles these libertarians are.

    16. socialis-philosophus on

      Using “free school lunches” as a test is fine, but more generically any of these statements serve the same purpose:

      1. It’s not free; It’s paid for by taxpayers.

      2. Do you know who I am?

      3. Both sides are the same.

      I’m sure there are many others that convey the same ignorant, self-important attitude.

    17. As a free lunch kid who’s now a functioning/tax paying member of society with no kids, I’d like to say thanks to everyone who contributes towards those programs. It makes the world of difference for those kids and gets some of us enough nutrients to think and get through our day.

    18. Responsible-End7361 on

      If you are so poor that feeding children with your tax dollars is painful, you should be getting food stamps.

      If you are not getting food stamps and are making this complaint, you can never call yourself generous, a good person, or a Christian ever again.

    19. I’d ask: Wonder what Jesus would say about that?

      Then wait to till the mental gymnastics are over to start laughing.

    20. “I don’t know how to explain to you that you should care about other people.”

      – Dr Fauci

    21. Classic examples of the typical idiots on the left *and* the right:

      – Right: Only I matter. Why should I help my fellow human being?
      – Left: Only I am right. Disagree with me on one thing and nothing else you say matters.

      And just to be clear: of course kids should get free lunch at school.

    22. Why pay for firemen that are used by others? Policemen? Teachers? Courts? Soldiers, sailors, and aviators?

    23. They are probably fine driving on non-toll roads and bridges. Empathy and compassion is such a difficult thing for some people and it shouldn’t be.

      My kids go (have gone) to a school that has a 65%+ population living at or below the poverty level. Lunch is provided to all students and for a while I told my kids you don’t NEED that food. We can easily feed you a lunch. BUT the idea is to break the stigma … ANYONE can eat free breakfast and lunches. And for some those meals are the only guaranteed meal they get.

      When the least of us succeeds we all succeed.

    24. Besides it being good for the children, it’s also good for the economy. More paid school lunches equals more jobs related to that activity.

    25. Are you serious in humane ?!?!?!? WTF!!!

      Why should working class people pay for TAX CUTS for BILLIONAIRES!??!?! Why should hard working middle class pay for other rich people’s taxes…IT”S NOT FREE!!!!

    26. It’s rare I get to say fuck Campbell Newman outside and Australian sub.

      Just for context, Newman was a popular mayor of the Brisbane, which is the biggest local government in Aus, and used that popularity to become premier (governor in US context) of Queensland, decimating the 15+ sitting Labor government to the point they only had 20% of the seats in parliament.

      With his supermajority, he managed to shit the bed so badly that not only did his party lose the next election, but he’s basically gone from future prime minister to no political career at all

    27. The tax increase to make sure school kids eat it pretty fucking minimal. The tax increase to make sure people in other countries get turned into char and mist is pretty fucking huge. I know where I want my taxes to go, and it’s not where they usually do.

    28. God forbid you should care about the wellbeing of the people of your “great country”.

      Oh the humanity! How dare they!

      But hey, at least they’re pro-life. Up until the kid is actually born. After that, they’re on their own. Wouldn’t want to spoil them with food.

      (Childfree high-earner here, non-US, who is totally fine with paying a load of taxes as a contribution to a functioning society that I am part of)

    29. Don’t mean to be “that guy” but this is an Australian post made by a former Queensland state premier (governor for all you Yanks). Crazy to think the sentiment was indistinguishable from a GOP politician. Seems every country is getting screwed.

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