I’m 19 and I’m still doing it lol

    by DimpleCorcoran51


    1. MeximeltExtraCheese on

      Holy shit other people did this? I thought if I just used the same logic my father used on me, things would work better.

    2. And nowadays I get pissed off cuz games load so fast I don’t have time to read the tooltips/lore xD

    3. I mean it does work, just in your mind though. Since time will seem to go faster if you are distracted by something more interesting than a loading screen.

    4. I used to count between 1-100 and see how many times I counted till the game loaded🤣🤣

    5. This just a rephrasing of “A watched pot never boils.”

      It’s not that it physically alters reality, it’s supposed to be a trick on your own brain.

    6. myWobblySausage on

      You did that too?? Funny!

      Or if there was something wrong with the computer\disk you would try to only have good thoughts so it wouldn’t crash. Diablo on my 486 DX2 66….. Would run for 5 to 10 minutes before crashing.

    7. Also be sure to keep an eye on the loading level with the cursor, so it will definitely move faster.

    8. Another life hack. To avoid red lights when driving, just pull a kleenex out as if you are going to blow your nose. Light instantly turns green and every light after never goes red.

    9. What games are you playing that have a loading screen? Nowadays games barely have any loading time

    10. DrunkLifeguard on

      We experience time differently than the actual passing of time. We have an internal clock that changes with age. When you are frustratingly waiting and looking at something, time is passing slower for you.

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