The problem is that there is no spell checker on paper

    by herewearefornow


    1. The Parents can’t read and have poor reading comprehension. See the disparity in education of those that are having children.


      Sadly, those children have already been growing up to become adults with reading struggles, so it’s not such an easy problem to solve once they’re having kids of their own.

    3. This is so true. Wife and I are glad that we did that with our kids because our kids be saying some of the other kids can’t even write full sentences let alone read them.

    4. FistPunch_Vol_7 on

      What doesn’t help is the amount of people who don’t read at all. Literally had some people proud that they don’t, talking bout, “why would I read a book? I’m not in school anymore”

    5. >”I can’t imagine a world with dumber adults than we have now.”

      That’s a pretty limited imagination then. I can absolutely imagine it. Hell, Idiocracy is on its way to becoming a documentary.

    6. Pan_Bookish_Ent on

      I have a degree in library science. Except that my friends, colleagues, and I live in a state where checking out certain books to minors is a felony, punishable by $10,000 and 5 years in prison.

      We’re all very passionate about literacy but most of us have families now. We can’t risk it. So everyone in my field (at least in this state) is heading for the exits.

    7. Available_Weather_22 on

      My son is a senior in High School now…….and dammit if I don’t remember EVERY one of the voices I used to read him the “SkippyJohn Jones” books every night of his early life……it’s actually kind of a curse. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)

    8. Been reading with my baby girl since she was born. She’s barely over 2 years old now and already learning to read, sounding out words, spelling things. 

      Last night I heard her read a whole book to her stuffed bunny. It was a simple book but, damn, I don’t think I’ve felt that level of pride before. 

    9. “I love the poorly educated”

      – Donald Trump saying out loud what every Republican politician is thinking

    10. I’ve been reading to my son since he was 2 or 3 or so. I read to him literally every night and sometimes, have him read to me, lol. If anything, I’m tired of reading to little nigga, but I can directly see how it’s help his reading comprehension overall and the repetition helps him considerably, so I keep trucking on. Last thing I’m trying to do is have my little guy at school struggling to read in front of everyone and possibly getting made fun of for it. He’s gonna get made fun of for other stuff, but I’ll be damned if it’s for reading atleast, lol.

    11. AngryWWIIGrandpa on

      Fortunately, every year my 7th grader asks me to print out the current banned book list for the state so they can read all of them. I think they’re gonna turn out alright, in spite of me.

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