Oedipus clearly wasn’t into the idea of marrying his mother which was why he ran away in the first place. Kinda weird to called a complex about wanting to fuck mother after a guy who specifically didn’t want to fuck his mom.
YouEffOhh1 on
Joseph Mother was one of my favorite Greek gods.
Porkadi110 on
This is becomes way more clever when you remember what his mom’s name was.
Mr_M_2711 on
Every atom in my body rejects this joke.
But I must.
BattousaiRound2SN on
If you look into it…
The Oracle did him dirty.
His mind was in the right place, this is why he left. Oracle made him do it… OR himself, since he looked for the Oracle in the fiest place.
“…joe mama!”
The reminds me of The Golden Girls! Lol
Oedipus clearly wasn’t into the idea of marrying his mother which was why he ran away in the first place. Kinda weird to called a complex about wanting to fuck mother after a guy who specifically didn’t want to fuck his mom.
Joseph Mother was one of my favorite Greek gods.
This is becomes way more clever when you remember what his mom’s name was.
Every atom in my body rejects this joke.
But I must.
If you look into it…
The Oracle did him dirty.
His mind was in the right place, this is why he left. Oracle made him do it… OR himself, since he looked for the Oracle in the fiest place.
Mind Blowing.
Can someone explain please lol
Edit: oh wait I got it, joe mama lol