Imagine having a rebuttal to justify Jim Crow

    by detox02


    1. I hate saying stuff like this because it’s so… counter to my spirit

      But the amount of Israeli people who are okay with practices that mimic the holocaust. And some of the other atrocities committed throughout history astounds me..

      I’m also not sure why nearly everything seems to fall under anti Semitic..

      Speaking out against the government, speaking out against the hivemind like behaviour of some abroad.

      And speaking out on how never in history has the “oppressed” group cordoned off, isolated and overpowered their oppressors economically and physically.. whilst somehow remaining oppressed

      Estimates to eliminate homelessness in USA are between 11-30 billion.

      We give roughly 3.8 Billion to Israel annually. With additional proposals of 14 billion.

      The USA is on the wrong side of history with this imho.
      So this book.. doesn’t surprise me as much as it should

    2. The Nazis efficiently and on a mass scale, dehumanized and eliminated several Jews, Slavs, and anyone they considered “unternensch”.

      The Israelis illegally evict Palestinians from their homes, violate their human rights, and mass murder them. Yemenis, and Lebanese via bombing campaigns.

      The IOF learned their lessons from Hitler.

    3. Damm, all these posts had me thinking I’d subscribed to jewishpeopletwitter for a second.

    4. The last election in Gaza was in 2006. Hamas has suppressed any elections since. Over half of the population of Gaza is under 18. (Well, before Israel started systematically executing every man, woman and child. )

      What exactly do you think these children can do to change things? What do you think they should do in order for you to see them as human beings?

    5. But no one is saying “let’s bring back Jim Crow.”

      The point is that the Middle East situation is much more complicated than “I spent a week there so here’s my thoughts.”

      Religious war has been going on there for literal millennia. Beyond what most people today are even capable of comprehending. 

      Obviously both sides are handling things horribly wrong, but it’s not as easy of a fix as y’all are making it out to be. Cuz it would have been fixed long ago. 

    6. Medium_Diver8733 on

      If we’re honest there are a lot of white people who fear that as they become the racial minority in the United States that they will be treated the same way they have treated non-white minorities. It’s the reason we’ve already seen a calculated message amongst the dumbest on the far right about how “straight white Christian men have it the hardest”.

      Here’s the thing logically if you support what Israel is doing, you shouldn’t have a problem with the next majority group in the US setting up an apartheid system right?

    7. srkaficionada65 on

      Careful all y’all commenters or someone will accuse you of antisemitism. Never mind that they’re busy killing off an entire people because “Holocaust and this is our land” BS.

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