probably the song my mom listened to when she left my dad. Either that or… that thing by Lauryn hill
FlavoredTaters on
role tide
thejaytheory on
This would’ve fit right in in Dangerous Minds.
chadork on
You gotta Budweiserrrr
One_Okra_2487 on
Everytime I hear this I think of princess Diana
LisaFrankRealness on
I’m reminded of how it is in *The Next Karate Kid* with Hillary Swank. lol
Thespian21 on
What a coincidence. This was just playing while I was folding my laundry that’s been sitting on the other side of my bed for 3 weeks.
I_Miss_My_Beta_Cells on
I def recorded this onto a tape deck at some point
AdPsychological7926 on
Nintendo1964 on
Role a blunt for me.
background_action92 on
This song is a beautiful experience. Reminds me when i would go to appointments for whatever and these type of songs would come up. My oh my oh my 🎶
BraveTask7785 on
Man.. what happened to this kinda music.. what happened to artists w real messages
isisleo86 on
Oh yes! I hadn’t heard this song in ages. This was definitely a movie staple….lol
Magus_5 on
Man let me stop fuckin around and get my shit together. BRB y’all.
darrylwoodsjr on
Didn’t have cable back in the day, never seen this video but heard it in countless moves like duke said.
JackDangerUSPIS on
That part 45 mins into the rom com where everything is going right for the female lead personally and professionally and she’s doing a busy running around the big city montage with a stack of papers up to her chest, getting into light humorous interactions with pedestrians, cab drivers, dog walkers etc.
Full self-improvement montage
I look forward to this playing for me one day!
probably the song my mom listened to when she left my dad. Either that or… that thing by Lauryn hill
role tide
This would’ve fit right in in Dangerous Minds.
You gotta Budweiserrrr
Everytime I hear this I think of princess Diana
I’m reminded of how it is in *The Next Karate Kid* with Hillary Swank. lol
What a coincidence. This was just playing while I was folding my laundry that’s been sitting on the other side of my bed for 3 weeks.
I def recorded this onto a tape deck at some point
Role a blunt for me.
This song is a beautiful experience. Reminds me when i would go to appointments for whatever and these type of songs would come up. My oh my oh my 🎶
Man.. what happened to this kinda music.. what happened to artists w real messages
Oh yes! I hadn’t heard this song in ages. This was definitely a movie staple….lol
Man let me stop fuckin around and get my shit together. BRB y’all.
Didn’t have cable back in the day, never seen this video but heard it in countless moves like duke said.
That part 45 mins into the rom com where everything is going right for the female lead personally and professionally and she’s doing a busy running around the big city montage with a stack of papers up to her chest, getting into light humorous interactions with pedestrians, cab drivers, dog walkers etc.