Why don’t you do the same?

    by BarronGreen89


    1. So why don’t they like Dolly? Is it because she’s a successful woman? Or is it because she actually tries to do something positive with her money? Or do people like this just want to hate something for the sake of hating it?

    2. If she’s a joke, she OWNS that joke, and she’ll get paid every time you use it.

      And then she’ll share that wealth, because how much does one person need? So with it, she’ll continue to enrich other lives.

      So, keep joking.

    3. Traditional-Froyo755 on

      OP, if you’re facepalming at Lauren, then you seem to have misunderstood her tweet.

    4. My kids love the imagination library it sucks my youngest is aging out. But the books always made perfect sense at timing. It lined up exactly where their development was and it helped me as a parent to understand where my children should be

    5. TemperatureTop246 on

      some people are just never satisfied. Dolly is a legend. I’m sure she has flaws too, but come on… she’s a fucking legend.

    6. Her last line needs a question mark at the end to make her meaning clear. She’s defending Dolly.

    7. FloatingPencil on

      The joke is on everyone else, the people who decided Dolly was ‘trashy’ years ago and see all of this as irrelevant against that one thing. Meanwhile she’s rich as hell, doing as she likes, helping the people she wants to help, and can go out in public whenever she pleases without being mobbed, simply by not dressing like The Dolly Parton. Seems like she’s got it right to me.

    8. I hate country music, but Dolly Parton is freaking amazing. Talented, creative af, not hateful (which with her age and background is an accomplishment on its own), and has done her best to help make the world a better place.

      We need more celebrities like her. She’s a national treasure.

    9. SilverSpoon1463 on

      I think if we do tax the rich, Dolly should be given immunity because she’s actually payed her share

    10. Zestyclose-Poet3467 on

      Dolly restores my faith in humanity. I love that she is so successful and understands that there are more important things, like caring about and for each other. She’s an amazing person.

    11. I don’t care about Dolly’s music but she is the best person probably alive now. It is gonna be sad for me when she goes to heaven.

    12. Folks called her a “dumb blond” so she wrote a song about it and made money off it. In concerts I’ve been to, she introduces it as the funniest thing is I know two things 1) I’m not dumb and 2) I’m not blond. 🙂 she is a great woman and an amazing musician!

    13. Anyone that can talk shit about Dolly Parton is not worth a duck’s fart in the wind. She is a national treasure and just flat out genuinely wholesome.

    14. I’m sorry, what fool is calling Dolly a joke? She is a Saint, a national treasure, and played a major role in getting eagles off the endangered species list. She’s accomplished so much and I can’t sing her praises enough if I tried. Shame on anyone who speaks ill of her.

    15. MalevolentNight on

      She is a literal angel among us. And I’ll throw hands for the queen, she has done so much good.

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