Whats Justice ? Interesting video

    by Sanix_0000


    1. Blade_Laser_Blazer on

      The entire lecture is ruined as soon as the teacher gets that one outspoken student.

      (Yes, I understand it’s scripted. Speaking hypothetically of course)

    2. Ok sir, that’s cool and all, but should I go get Alexis now? She’s kind of missing the good part.

    3. BS; a professor has an unfair power advantage over their students; that same professor without tenure would sing a different song.

    4. JamIsBetterThanJelly on

      Critical thinking is learned, practiced, and nurtured. People don’t think critically naturally. They believe. Critical thinking is developed in several ways, but the most effective is through peer-review and this professor just gave the students the fastest peer-review lesson I’ve ever seen.

    5. There has been an overabundance of focus on “Freedom” in the US the last 20 years, with little regard for “Justice”. The Freedom people want to be able to get exactly what they want, often when the rights of others are trampled on. Holding freedom paramount is just Darwinism – survival of the fittest. Justice means that laws are established to protect the rights of all people, especially minorities and the marginalized, and the power of the government enforces justice. Tyrants often push “Freedom” because it allows for the removal of justice and fair play in a society.

    6. Least-Yellow6653 on

      “What you have just learned you should digest with intermittent stock photos and a royalty-free stock music”.

    7. Scoopski_Patata on

      So he taught them a lesson. Meanwhile, that girl is walking around outside, feeling upset and confused. She didn’t learn anything and thinks she is not wanted in that class ever again. 🤔

    8. Electrical-Clue-4119 on

      How were they supposed to know if he was being unfair to Alexis ? Maybe there was a reason for kicking her out but they don’t know.

    9. Only_Spare5063 on

      First they came for the Communists
      And I did not speak out
      Because I was not a Communist
      Then they came for the Socialists
      And I did not speak out
      Because I was not a Socialist
      Then they came for the trade unionists
      And I did not speak out
      Because I was not a trade unionist
      Then they came for the Jews
      And I did not speak out
      Because I was not a Jew
      Then they came for me
      And there was no one left
      To speak out for me

      Martin Niemöller

    10. Haha try it in real scenario. You will get fucked over as well as whoever got involved lol

    11. To speak up and say that was unfair, the students would need to know why he kicked Alexis out. Also, a classroom is not a public space. We are taught as children that teachers have an unquestionable authority and if we disagree with them to take it home with us and sort it out later. It would be pretty ballsy (and generally not acceptable) to start arguing with a teacher over this
      This example is weak and barely relates to law.

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