
    by _crazyboyhere_


    1. I work in homeless services and the generational trauma caused by colonialism against the Native Americans is heartbreaking. You don’t realize how bad it really has been

    2. Ijustlovevideogames on

      Fun fact: Even Colombus said those stories were probably myths. I’m not saying there weren’t tribes who weren’t cannibals, but to act like all of them were when once again, even said guy who went there said the people he met were peaceful and kind is some straight revisionist history right there.

    3. I love the sacrifice line because apparently witch executions were somehow different?

      Also Columbus was considered a monster by his contemporaries.

    4. Columbus never set foot in North America and America isn’t even named after him because other people found it before he did.

      The kicker to all this is that the land was already occupied and that “Colonization” in itself isn’t wrong, but you know, the whole killing and raping thing they did.. well…

    5. I would ask which “stone age tribes” he’s talking about. But of course, he doesn’t even know what it means.

    6. ivar-the-bonefull on

      Columbus didn’t steal land, he just tortured and genocided all the people that was living there. Completely different.

    7. Anewkittenappears on

      It’s not *just* that he stole land, it’s that he was an absolute monster even according to the standards of his day.  Even a brief glance at his published journals will reveal a man who revelled in dehumanizing, murdering, maiming, torturing, raping, and enslaving countless other human beings.  

      It’s also worth mentioning that both our country and our continent are named “America”, after Amerigo Vespucci, rather than “Columbia” after Columbus; Yet almost no one celebrates (or is even aware) of Amerigo Vespucci day on October 12th.  Nor can it be argued that Columbus deserves recognition as the first to discover America, as after the indigenous Americans the first (European) voyage to the Americas was Lief Erikson (Who’s day is celebrated on October 9th).  So not only was Columbus an repugnant human being, he was also largely unremarkable of historical significance until 1937 when Columbus day was made a holiday largely to ease tensions towards Italian Americans.

    8. I’m half Indigenous. Any day but this day, okay? Can we please not share today with Columbus. Thank you.

    9. Ya know, I understand both arguments and I know this will be hotly debated, but at the end of the day, we all gonna sleep in, have a few beers, and grill some dead animal….


    10. BedroomVisible on

      End Wokeness doesn’t play Civilization and doesn’t understand that conservation, sustainability, agriculture, irrigation, astronomy, medicine, construction, navigation, trade, textiles, pottery, Republic (Tribal Councils), Confederation, Theocracy, and Meritocracy are technologies WELL beyond the Stone Age.

    11. It’s alarming how all these right wing grifters – OOP, Matt Walsh, Charlie Kirk, etc. – all start spouting the same rough talking points about certain topics. There’s a playbook being written for all these types and they’re singing from the same hymnsheet – It’s an incredible orchestration, but it’s a clear and present danger to democratic discourse

    12. PurpleDragonCorn on

      In the US there were no cannibalistic tribes. Nor where there any in Mexico, idk about Canada which is why I didn’t say North America.

      In Mexico there were tribes that performed ritual sacrifices. But guess what? A lot of people who immigrated to the US during it’s colonization also performed sacrifices. Plenty of Pagans came over to the US to escape Christian persecution and sacrifices were a key part of many pagan subcultures.

    13. Ah yes the cannibal tribes many of which have mythos and stories about how cannibalism is evil

    14. what_would_freud_say on

      I wish we could go back to the time when outward racism like this was shameful and not accepted by so many

    15. Odd_Distribution3316 on

      Also, the gotdamn motherfucking Trail of Tears. My Cherokee MIL is spending today hating Columbus and his ilk.

    16. End Wokeness might want to know about all the people-eating that has happened in *his* heritage.

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