History is written by the victors, Matt

    by Merchant_Alert


    1. And here, folks, we have an example of a barely functioning brain with zero critical thinking skills. Matt must have the smoothest brain, no wrinkles.

    2. Were the Europeans beating them at their own game when settlers were literally starving to death and digging up other dead settlers to eat? Or when indigenous people recorded smelling the settlers before ever seeing them because their hygiene didn’t exist? And the disease they spread just from the two practices I mentioned?

    3. BiggityShwiggity on

      The Huron confederacy was made to counteract the aggressive militarism of the Iroquois confederacy, pre contact.

    4. Wise-Juggernaut-8285 on

      Every culture is violent unfortunately. That is correct.
      That doesn’t justify or excuse violence.
      Colonialism is bad.

    5. So to refute what kamala said he admits that everything she said was true? Interesting strategy. Imagine if rightwingers had self awareness or the ability to think beyond partisan horseshit.

    6. And the “enlightened” settlers built a country that promptly divided itself in half and tried to murder itself over its prolific slave trade. Such an improvement.

    7. LOL, the “history” told by the victors for the last 50 years was that natives were a bunch of nature loving, peace pipe smoking, gentle and basically flawless living at one with nature in harmony for all. The truth is only more recently being discussed.

    8. Disastrous-Radio-786 on

      I wonder why people are saying that ng Matty is a racist, real mystery? Also, every tribe is Violent not just Native Americans but how could he say those native Americans deserved to be genocided if he acknowledged that?

    9. As if Europeans weren’t violent to their core doing the exact same thing to each other that Matt is saying Natives did. Um Matt, why do you think Europeans came over here??? They wanted to get away from other Europeans 😂

    10. They’re both right in a way. European explorers came here and conquered..but to act like natives weren’t violent conquerors before the Europeans showed up is ridiculous. That aside..why is this even a talking point? Change the holiday, don’t change it. It makes no difference in anyone’s life..maybe focus on more important things.

    11. Tell me you know absolutely nothing about history, without telling me you know absolutely nothing about history.

    12. “yeah but the native Americans fought wars too” is right up there with “but Africans had slavery too” atrocity apologetics.

      Yes. They had warfare and were every bit as capable of atrocity and assorted bad behavior as any human society that has ever existed for the duration of our species time here on earth. That’s doesn’t magically make the atrocities WE committed somehow more excusable.

    13. Realistic-Reception5 on

      Yes, the different Native American tribes didn’t get along and they frequently fought each other. But they didn’t decimate their entire race, which is what the colonizers did.

    14. Matt Walsh is a douche rag. Back in that day he’d be one of those manifest destiny asses imploring the government to wipe out the “vermin natives”.

    15. Both wrong. Americans want everything to be black or white, good guys or bad guys. You can disbelieve it all you want, but people in the past were just ordinary people. The average person was average, believing what they were told their whole lives while spending most of their lives just trying to get through life and being kind to their friends and family. While those in power used their power to acquire more. People were nice in times of plenty and harsh in times of scarcity.

    16. Honestly, both are correct. The native tribes were just as violent as the Europeans, but the Europeans were way better at violence, and ushered in it.

      They won, and brought advanced technology and modern civilization to the conquered lands, which, like it or not, was better for the world in most aspects.

    17. Come to Reddit where literally everyone is a history expert. Get talked down to by deliberately ignorant losers who get physically ill at the thought of reading a book. Every single opinion you have is actually a fact.

    18. And what were Europeans doing in Europe before AND after colonizing America? Slaughtering their enemies and stealing their land? Seems more like human behavior than “Native American savage” behavior

    19. Matt is one of those “the only acceptable history is if whites are written about as heros”

    20. People have always been violent. Rape, slavery, resource wars, all of that has existed since the first humans split into different tribes. Probably always will.

      But that doesn’t change the scope of what European colonial powers did to the rest of the world for 500 years. Were the societies the Europeans destroyed perfect? No. Were the European societies perfect? Absolutely not.

      Might doesn’t make right.

    21. Zeratul_Artanis on

      The part that is always forgotten with this is that the British actually signed peace treaties with natives and guaranteed their land. This formed part of the founding father’s annoyance at British Rule because it was stopping their expansion and genocide.

    22. Rocco_al_Dente on

      “They were violent before we showed up” is the one of the lamest takes I’ve seen in recent years and I blame people like Joe Rogan for spreading it.

    23. “violence existed already so Europeans did nothing wrong”

      Pretty fucking stupid take. Plus it was disease that did most of the killing here. Like 95 percent of the indigenous population was wiped out within a few years.

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