Don doesn’t like the new movie. Must be too accurate for him.

    by Deedogg11


    1. Not really near the top of the list of everything wrong with the man, but I find his limited vocabulary so embarrassingly offensive.

    2. PassengerNo2259 on

      I’m sure Gabe Sherman HUMAN SCUM is going to be getting death threats today from the cult. This isn’t a dog whistle it’s a dog bullhorn.

    3. So literally anything said or done that Trump doesn’t like he’s going to scream “election interference”! Either way this is a ringing endorsement for the movie.

    4. This tweet will likely draw more attention to the movie than the actual marketing. 

      This dude has a history of being easily played by everyone (foreign adversaries especially), it makes you wonder if this wasn’t a big part of the marketing strategy. 

    5. temporarycreature on

      I thought it was a very good movie for what it was and what it portrayed, and Sebastian did an incredible job playing Donald. The sleaze was simmering the entire time, and he captured it perfectly.

    6. If he would had a great and wonderful relationship with his ex wife then he wouldnt bury her on his golf course…

    7. RodrigoEMA1983 on

      “The greatest political movement in the history…”

      Why does he always need to talk in superlatives? It’s like hearing a toddler.

    8. I can’t wait to see the 180 this fat lard pulls if this movie gets any nominations/awards.

      “The Apprentice is only a success b/c of me! All the awards & money should really be going to me b/c it could not be done without me just like Home Alone 2, another box office hit they begged me to do!”

    9. The allegations of marital rape seem to suggest his relationship with Ivana was not, in fact, “great.” Or the scalp injury. Or the constant cheating. Or the unkept grave on the golf course.

    10. ResponsibleMilk7620 on

      My former wife. ~~Ivanka~~ Ivana, was a kind and wonderful person, and I had a great relationship with her until the day she ~~got Epsteined~~ died ~~and was cremated and tossed into a big enough box to hide the stolen documents I didn’t want to give back, and conveniently dropped in a hole where I could get to those documents should I ever need them~~.

    11. Free market absolutists sure get mad when corporation release a movie when it would be the most profitable.

    12. He had such a good relationship with her on the day she died that she was still willing to turn her back on him at the top of a flight of stairs. Allegedly.

    13. DickySchmidt33 on

      “So sad that HUMAN SCUM, like the people involved in this hopefully unsuccessful enterprise, are allowed to say and do whatever they want….”

      He doesn’t like the movie.

      More importantly, he ***doesn’t like the First Amendment***.

    14. BarkattheFullMoon on

      Everything about this rant makes me want to see the movie!

      When your relationship has always been kind, she does not accuse you of rape! And you do not bury her in an unmarked area of your golf course.

    15. Trump is such a easy mark. Gabe Sherman needs to send him a thank you note for the free publicity.

    16. When he complains like that and says something is totally fake it usually means it’s true.

    17. So, Trump had a “great relationship” with his *divorced* wife, until she died. Which was after, as tine works, a point where he cheated on her and she divorced him. And then she was buried on a golf course

    18. Hopefully, this is the movie that he requested to have made. And then got a standing ovation at the Cannes Film Festival.

      Shows him graping Ivanka.

    19. Cute-Brilliant7824 on

      Hmmmm… ‘Gabe Sherman’, eh? Human Scum you say? Hmmmm. What sort of name is ‘Gabe Sherman’, anyhow?

    20. Okay, if it is defamatory, sue for defamation. Or are you too afraid of what will come out during discovery?

    21. Wasn’t going to see it in theaters.

      But now knowing it’ll piss him off?

      Definitely gonna see it the week

    22. Gonna love that he is trying to throw the doubt even with the name, he doesn’t own “the apprentice”

      Note as well, when it’s a movie slandering the democrats they say how accurate it is, but when it’s him? It’s “fake”

    23. I can’t put it to words just how completely and totally sick I am of this fucking child in an old man’s body who cries and bitches about every fucking thing being soooo rigged and unfair and fake. Like seriously, just how absolutely stupid does a person have to be to believe literally any of the diarrhea that he shits out of his mouth every single time he speaks. And he describes everything like a fucking child, where anything favorable is the undisputed best in the entire world and anything “bad” is the absolute worst in history. I can not WAIT to open reddit one day and see that this sack of shit has croaked and is no longer wasting valuable oxygen.

    24. TheErasmus1600 on

      “A kind and wonderful person” “Who I cheated on, raped, had thrown down the stairs, and buried under the weeds of my golf course”

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