Eight-year-old Max Alexander holds the world record as the youngest runway fashion designer. He began designing at the age of four.

    by mindyour


    1. It is a wonderfully marvelous event when a child prodigy emerges in a uniquely profound way. Max like all prodigy people marches to their own insight, vision and prophecy.

    2. I was eating Legos I think at 4. Playing with Legos at 8. This young man is very very advanced, well done for him! Such creativity

    3. SnorklefaceDied on

      Not saying he’s not talented..buttttttt no way could this have happened if his parents were poor

    4. And now imagine what would happen if every child received such support, and not just the children of a few rich people.

    5. Justhereiguessidk on

      He’s so talented I hope his parents are with him 24/7 the industry is harsh I can’t imagine how harsh it would be for a child good luck to him and what a badass

    6. It takes a lot of passion to design and create something like this. Im happy this kid gets the opportunity to use it!

    7. Impossible_Ad785 on

      I really don’t get the negative comments regarding the wealth of his parents. He made some really cool stuff I think if he did it with less means and made cool stuff then everyone would be super impressed. He is very talented regardless of background. You go kid!

    8. I’m always a bit amazed of people who always know what they love to do. When i was a kid, i didn’t have this kind of passion towards something. I just sort of love little bit of this and that. So when i was a teenager, i had a hard time finding which path to take or learn. I’m doing alright now as an adult. But idk i never felt that kind of passion towards something. If i did, i think i lost it

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