What. The. Fuck.

    by Quirky-Material9725


    1. How TF can you justify what this diabolical POS has done?!?! I just don’t get it with these people. He’s killed millions of Jews and is responsible for millions more during WW2!!! This is fucking beyond idiotic!!!

    2. Despicable. Start a genocide, become a villain, 90 years later you’re the hero? how? Fucking stupid ass people.

    3. Initial-Company3926 on

      The older I got, the more info I got, the more I loathed Hitler

      It is completely insane to me, people think he is a good guy…… but of course same people think trump is the same
      I wonder how many of their grandparents or fathers fought in WW2 with the allies, and how disappointed they must be in their family

    4. So now he still can’t go to the Holocaust museum because he’s incarcerated for predatory behavior.

    5. I can remember a time when if one said this openly, thew would get their ass beat by some surprisingly strong old men…

    6. Adulthood is learning how many of Hitler’s generals ended up in strategic positions within the US government.

      (Operation paper clip)

      And then watching the US government support any and all Hitler shit being done around the world.

      (Supporting ethnic cleansing by a fascistic ethnostate committing genocide in the name of self-defense)

    7. tetragrammaton19 on

      3rd post with Hitler in 5 minutes. This is an actual problem, ladies and gents. Create Twitter pages, find these posts, and eviscerate them. Afterwards, delete your twatter accounts.

    8. AnyEchidna9999 on

      I understand that Israel is doing bad things in the name of Jews but what the actual fuck. These people are just as unhinged as Israelis. No one deserves genocide. No one deserves death. No one deserves to be tortured to death.

    9. Born_Tough9567 on

      There is about 30-35% of americans that are incredibly stupid… there was an American nazi party and the idiot uneducated 30% actually supported them, about 30 % were happy with King George, same for the confederacy and for segregation. There is a dangerously uneducated and gullible subset that we are stuck with…
      See MAGA……

    10. Awkward_Bench123 on

      Obviously this person never read the end of the story where when Hitler knew his own goose was cooked demanded the annhialation of German society by defending the Reich to the last citizen.

    11. Personal-Listen-4941 on

      The type of person who person who publicly professes love for Hitler, is the type of person you should be glad you now know to avoid.

    12. TechSalesSoCal on

      Growing up, I had always wondered how Hilter could have ever gained power and I thought that it could never happen in the US. I not longer wonder. I now understand how people could become willing participants. History has been repeated over and over since the modernization of mankind and one would hope that we learn from the mistakes of the past and not repeat them.

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