Something is deeply wrong with America

    by Pessimist2020


    1. I mean Hitler had some good ideas, like killing himself. Think that one was one of his best.

    2. Fit_Employment_2944 on

      It would be difficult to find a person without at least two good ideas out of hundreds or thousands.

    3. Well he was very anti-smoking and orchestrated one of the first studies in to the health problems caused by tobacco, along with banning it from public places and the under 18’s having access to cigarettes.
      He also strongly advocated for the personal health and fitness of the German population, instigating forms of calisthenics and other public exercise and given the physical state of a lot of the current population of the planet, you could actually argue that he did in fact have some really good ideas- if only the invasion of territory, persecution, genocide and overall megalomania didn’t kind of fuck up his public image a little.

    4. NorthwestSmith on

      It would be interesting for people to list the “good ideas”. I’m struggling to think of a single political, social or military idea the man had that wasn’t self serving or brutally destructive.

    5. I-foIIow-ugly-people on

      I’m just gonna say now and leave no question about it: Hitler was evil. He still is evil. He was in no way a good person, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t do good things. For instance, he established the “National park” system in Germnay. His goal was to improve the lives of the German people and everything he did was to accomplish that goal. He had a very narrow view of who the “German people” were, which led to quite a few “happenings”

    6. > Something is deeply wrong with America

      Well look at the republican candidate for president.

    7. It’s a weird question to answer, because objectively, it’s highly unlikely that someone never had a good idea in their life. The terrible ideas he had are the ones which define him, but whether he had “some good ideas” in general, at all? Sure, he probably did.

    8. BraxbroWasTaken on

      I mean, a broken clock’s right twice a day. It’d be more impressive if he had NO good ideas.

      But that doesn’t mean he should be emulated, or that the ideas that I’d wager *most* of these ‘hitler had good ideas’ types think are good are actually good.

    9. Hitler opposed smoking. That’s at least one thing we agree on. He also hates the Fr*nch.

    10. NoHopeNoLifeJustPain on

      Education failure. That’s wrong. Like many places in Italy. Education has been failing for a ver long time.

    11. Cunt_Eastwood_9 on

      He had one or two genuinely good ideas that were covered up by the rest of his evil ideas.

    12. He tried to collect all his art and destroy it.

      Pretty much the rest of his ideas were shit though.

    13. “I should kill myself.”
      “All of these Nazi assholes aren’t doing a good job. I should arrest them.”

    14. TexasShooter1983 on

      He did have some good ideas.

      Here’s one… the modern wildlife conservation model that regulates hunting was created by Hitler. Hunting seasons, bag limits, and rules for fairness….to conserve and manage a wildlife population…that was hitler.

    15. Ok, he was right about getting a Keurig in the breakroom, but that’s really the only thing.

    16. Anticipator1234 on

      The better question is… if you think Hitler had ‘some good ideas’, name which ones you thought were good?

      That would reveal exactly what people are like… shitty, yes. Evil, maybe.

    17. While these white Americans are dumb, they are surpassed by the stupidity of the black and Hispanic responders, who really haven’t checked up on how Hitler would classify them.

    18. I don’t want to sound pretentious or anything but this is way too nuanced a discussion for the average person to have, unfortunately.

    19. Doctor__Hammer on

      >Something is deeply wrong with America

      Is it though? I mean what are the chances that a leader of a country gets *every single thing he ever does* wrong? Basically zero. Statistically speaking, it’s essentially guaranteed that Hitler did, in fact, have “some good ideas”.

      Doesn’t make him any less of an insane evil murderous psychopath though.

      Edit: gotta agree with other commenters here. Hitler’s last idea was a great one.

    20. Banning books and <attempting to?> rewrite history to benefit your own narratives is right out of the NAZI playbook

    21. Well Hitler was a populist politician, his party’s election campaign wasn’t “let’s kill all the Jews.”

      He promised jobs at a time of high unemployment, he promised stable economy at the time of raging inflation, he found groups to blame for Germany’s problems, and also was very keen on conspiracy theories.

      You could probably find plenty of things Nazis argued for that most people today would agree with. That’s kind of the point – Hitler was not much different from a whole crop of politicians in post-Depression era Europe.

      In fact he stole most of his ideas from Mussolini, and saw him as his role model.

      And Mussolini had nationalized everything, created state monopolies, unionized everything, launched infrastructure projects, almost eradicated the Sicilian mafia, and basically did a lot of the same things communists were promising to do.

      This fairytale idea how history is a Marvel movie, with clear-cut separation of good and evil characters is a bit dumb – which is exactly why Americans are doomed to repeat it.

    22. I mean hitler did have some good ideas, animal protection laws, anti smoking laws. It’s the genocide that I get stuck on. Just can’t support racism like that.

    23. Zaphod_Beeblecox on

      Tell me about all the wrong thing black people are engaged in. I can’t wait to hear you try and minimize it.

    24. Ghee_buttersnaps96 on

      Imagine that 18-29 year olds saying edgy things for shock value and intentionally skewing a poll or survey lolll

    25. No one should be shocked by this

      The idea of eugenics came from America, they based their laws off our Jim Crow Laws, our Congress at the time debated if they should help Russia or Germany at the time (they were both seen as our enemies)

      After the war the US and Russia split up Nazi scientists and each kept them

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